It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

North side NISD employees lying to help San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign

In a court of law on March 4th Gregory J. Marshall of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign announced that his son Aadyan Marshall was enrolled in Rawlinson Middle School. In late April and early May Dawn M Neering the mother of Aadyan Marshall called the Middle School to check her son's well being and to check his enrollment.
The staff of Rawlinson Middle School lied and said that Aadyan Marshall was not enrolled into their system and was not a student there. I can understand if the staff were to say that they can not give out that information at this time, but to tell a blatant lie speaks volumes about the morals and values of the NISD staff. It's important for all of San Antonio parents to know that we are entrusting our children to people with sound morals and values and these staff members have displayed the opposite. Dawn M Neering then sent an e-mail to the principal of Rawlinson middle school asking if he could simply deliver a message to her son that she loved him and she was keeping her promise and fighting for him and his siblings. I don't see anything wrong with giving such a simply message to a child who had not seen or spoken to his mother in more than 2 years at that time. It is disturbing that the principal and all other staff members of this school system are unable to find it disturbing that Aadyan Marshall has lost his mother.
If the staff of this school say that they obeying a court order I find this very confusing considering that during 24 free consultations with attorneys each and every attorney said the court orders are confusing and don't make any sense at all. Many of these attorney's said that these orders written by Tamer Morsi were not even enforceable, and more importantly than these attorney's a judge said the very same thing, (refer to court transcripts in this blog). So how is it that trained professionals can not make sense of the orders how can the staff of Rawlinson Middle school claim to make sense of the orders? They are not following court orders at all they are doing as Gregory J. Marshall tells them to do a man diagnosed as a sociopath; oh I am sorry the doctor said that he has sociopathic tendencies with NPD.
The children of Gregory J. Marshall are being told they will never see their mother again and they are being told their mother has some sort of mental illness and all of this is lies. This is abuse and the staff of this school are required to report abuse and they have done nothing in this case. Tamer Morsi went in a court of law and attempted to convince the courts that Dawn Neering was a bad person and in contempt because she had made large signs for her children that said Mum Loves Aadyan, Ava, and Anikin. The courts of course didn't listen to him but please stop and think about the lack of compassion, empathy, morality, and the complete absence of a moral compass that this man is displaying. More proof that this man is seriously lacking human qualities is listed in this blog under prejurious lies told by SAFC attorney who is paid with grant monies.

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