It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, January 12, 2017

A. Flores of San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign

Officer A. Flores of SAPD;
This officer was lied to and painted a picture of myself that was false. He was told blatant lies about me that made him take action against me based on a false story he was fed by the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign members. He then did what he thought to be necessary believing that I was a danger to my children and the members of the SAFC. Of course I am a danger to no one and he did not need to take action against me at all. The members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign used Officer A. Flores to help them cover their crimes. Officer Flores had no idea the depths of these men's crimes he had no idea that Gregory J. Marshall was a abusive man who beat on his wife and children and had been removed from the family home by CPS because he was found guilty of abuse and I for one believe he would not have helped the SAFC had he known the real story. I believe he would have never victimized a woman who survived an abusive marriage a woman who was simply fighting to be with her children.
In September of 2014 I was in the lobby of the Marriott using my computer attempting to find the location of an apartment complex I was attempting to apply for residency at. Officer Flores was working the Marriott (as he did a lot that year), he looked over my shoulder watched what I was doing and he then left me be to tend to my struggles. Officer Flores could see I was doing no harm to anyone and I was not doing any of the things these men claimed I would do. IE kidnap my children and run for the border. Which is a completely ridiculous notion and I had already told the director of the SAFC I would never do that and would go through the courts but even after I corrected my ex-husbands lie the members of the SAFC continued to tell this lie. Unfortunately Officer Flores texted the members of the SAFC what I was doing and where I was and my ex-husband then called the management department of that apartment complex and that was one of many that I did not get do to the actions of the SAFC.
So you see my ex-husband is a very convincing liar and has manipulated many thousands of people like when he makes people believe that he is a good person with empathy and compassion. He has told many counselors and doctors he has no empathy and has no idea how to experience empathy. This is why I know that it simply is not Officer Flores' fault and he is as much a victim of these men  as my children and I are. I am sure that Officer Flores would not have wanted to be separated from his mother when he was a child simply because people wanted money and revenge against her and I am sure he can understand how devastating this is for my children and I. What I saw at the Marriott that day was a man who is able to experience empathy and compassion and that may be why he fell victim of the SAFC members.
When the members of SAFC asked Officer Flores to do the things they asked him the details of which I do not know. Not for a moment did they consider the stress they would be causing this man the damage to his reputation and possibly his career. They did not for consider Officer A. Flores' well-being and all that he would put on the line to do their bidding for them. What kind of friend does that? Not a very good friend at all. I made a huge mistake picking the father of my children I was blinded to see him in true light. I believe Officer Flores too is unable to see his friends in their true light and my prayers go out to him.

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