It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fraud committed by San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign

Gregory Marshall who is now employed by the fatherhood campaign of San Antonio; was investigated and removed from his families home on December 2013 due to child and spousal abuse. He then went to the Fatherhood Campaign and was advised to file false police reports and alleging that it was he spouse who was the abuser. He then forced his way back into the family home, after agreeing to stay away as asked to due so by Child Protective Services Agents. His forceable reentry in the home cased the closing of the home daycare, which was the only income the family had.
He was removed again by CPS agents and was told that he needed to have supervised visitation and if he reentered the home the children would be placed in the system.

Mr. Marshall then with the help of the Fatherhood Campaign lied in a court of law. Covered up all of Mr. Marshalls’ abusiveness from many years of marriage, and accused the mother of abuse and mental disorders which did not exist. CPS agents informed the familly (mother and children), that it would best for them if they moved back to Michigan where the family was originally from. Mr. Gregory Marshall received supervised visitation of the children before they departed to Michigan at which time he told the children he was going to come to Michigan to be with them.  Mr. Marshall then went to work for the fatherhood campaign  and took the children from the state of Michigan where they were residing. Now that the children are in the state of Michigan they are not allowed to see or speak to their mother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins. When the Michigan family has requested an mailing address for the children they were denied this right and the family (extened and the mother were forced to mail items to Tamer Morsi attorney for the Fatherhood Campaign and attorney for this case. The children did not receive anything that was mailed.

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