It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Frank Castro Jr.

10 April 2014

i recieved an e-mail from what appeared to be Frank Castro; telling me that he would be happy to make time to speak to me. He never made that time.
When i was finally fed up with not being able to talk to my children I called Frank and asked him for what reason I had been emancipated from my childrens' exsistance and Mr. Castro began explaining that he can provide finacial documents to prove he had not been paying Gregory Marshall before the time of the divorce. I said then how could he pay his living costs if he was not being paid by u and their were several people  in adjacent offices saying that Mr. Marshall was there everyday. He couldn't to argue this and started to become distraut. I told Mr. Castro I called him to tell him that I have been cut off from my children completely and I cannot even talk to them on the phone and Mr. Castro's response was, "well maybe you should work out a schuduel that works with the children's routine." I said that would be wonderful however I do not know the children's routine. I do not know their mailing address, I do not know where they go to school, I do not know where they go to daycare and I think the first step in establishing a continued connection with my children is if Gregoey would answer the phone when I called. He also will not answer the phone for my mother, my neices, or their aunts and uncles. The children have been cut off from their entire family much like he did to me when we were married. On top of that Mr. Marshall is only with the children an hour each day and you people call this parenting? I call this visiting.
Mr. Castro had no answer for me and said I had to work it out with Gregory. I said I have tired and when he won't comprimise or keep up his end of the bargin then I was left with no option other than to call him and ask him to discuss this matter with Gregory. He will listen to his peers before he listens to me and he is completely unable to see how he is hurting the children. In fact Gregory feels it is best that the children loose their mother altogether, and his statement was their fine. As I said before he is only with them one hour a day how would he know if they are fine?
I have not been informed just yet as to why the Fatherhood Campaign feels I need to be restricted from my childrens' exsistance as of this day. I have never abused my children, and if I'm guilty of anything then it would be that I am too leanant. I have tried to tighten up my disaplinary methods and then I had an investigation by CPS. so it's 6 of one and a half a dozen of another, it very much feels like a no win situation.
I told Mr. Castro that I was getting upset and felt it better if I go calm down and call him back later.
When I called Mr. Castro he would not come to the phone.
I talked to my children the evening after this conversation with Mr. Castro, I did not recieve mailing address, school, or daycare information.

However when I was finally allowed to talk to my children they told me where and who their daycare was. Then my children shared that they have never recieved any mail from me and I had been sending cards and letters on a daily basis. I was vey upset I called Tamer Morsi and Frank Castro the following day asking why my children have not recieved a single thing I have mailed to them.

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