It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

After Court Hearing on March 4th

My name is Dawn Neering-Marshall; 2013-CI-15828
 It has been two years since I seen or spoken to my children due to the actions of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign. My ex-husband is Gregory J Marshall whom teaches parenting classes at the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign. For their employee, he received legal representation free, Frank Castro Jr called the records department of DFPS and asked Eric Griffin Jr to cover up the CPS investigational reports that proved Gregory J Marshall was guilty of abuse, at which time he was removed from the home. The San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign instructed their employee to reenter our home in which I was operating a daycare which was my families sole income, when he successfully reentered the home I was forced to close my daycare because he was under investigation by CPS for abuse and I was unable to operate a daycare with someone suspected of abuse in the home. Then he was instructed and proceeded to file police reports claiming that was indeed he who was the victim of abuse. These police reports were filed only after he had been removed from our home because of his abuse of our children and myself. The San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign attempted to have me held in contempt for court for trying to communicate with my children I had no to go to court without legal representation. I have letter from Paralegal stating they could not provide legal services to me because they had given grant money to the opposing party of my case. Tamer Morsi the attorney for the opposing party stated in a court of law that he never received any money from Texas Rio Grande legal Aide, so if that statement is true I guess that means that Texas Rio Grande legal Aide services have put a lie in written form. Apparently Josie Rodriguez is more interested in doing favors for other local non-profits then providing legal services to those in need. The letter I have in my possession states that TRLA has provided legal services to San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign in my case yet in a court of law in front of a judge the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign states that they have never received legal services or funding from TRLA. So who is lying? My guess is if you look at e-mail correspondence belonging to Josie Rodriguez you see she was talking to members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and in those you also witness SAFC slandering myself saying I have mental disorders and I abuse substances these are blatant lies and prove that the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign use their organization to attack mothers and emancipate them from children's lives. If I am able to get to court of law I can prove this beyond a reasonable doubt but with the help of people like Josie Rodriguez they have been able to keep this from happening. If it brings you soliz know that Josie Rodriguez is the only person that has helping this corrupt organization many others have broken the law and violated policies and procedures of the positions they just as Josie Rodriguez has done.

 During the hearing of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign trying to hold me in Contempt Tamer Morsi (of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign), insisted that I had violated the original court order and the judge began listing off every line of the court order asking Tamer Morsi "How did she violate the court order?", "where is she in violation?". Tamer Morsi was unable to produce a viable argument or provable list of violations. I was not held in contempt of court and the judge went on to say that because the original orders were so badly written they would and almost impossible to enforce. Tamer Morsi agreed to write orders for myself to have supervised visitation with my children, he agreed to have those orders written and filed by March 8th He also agreed to send me a copy of those orders in an e-mail. He did nothing that he agreed to do. At this time I have still not seen my children or talked to them. I talked to Kid-Exchange and they informed me that we had to go through the intake process all over again and getting my ex-husband to comply will be close to impossible. He was literally arguing with the judge that I should not see my children. And this is what the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign calls responsible parenting. They also think it is ok to cover the crimes and abuse their employees  are guilty of. I have police reports that prove the slanderous lies that the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign has been telling about me to anyone that will listen.

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