It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

May documentation of violations

02 May 2014

03 May 2014
I called to talk to the kids and i got anikin on the phone and he said "how are you mom", Greg said hold on, hold on a minute pressed a loud button and then i could here anikin say "hi" and the phone went dead. I called back and there was no answer. I called my mother and asked her to call the kids and there was no answer.
04 May 2014
I called three times to talk to the children an hour inbetween each call and no answer each time.
I went for a walk to the river walk and at about 1pm when I was walking down Flores st. a black pick-up truck stop and park on street to watch me then it followed me down the street until i went down into the riverwalk. This same truck followed me has I applied for work at the steakhouse and wyndham. Then I began to weave in and out and hiding on the truck. When i went into the libaray and sat and watched out the window I saw the same black truck go to the motel I was staying at as if to see if I had walked down that way. I was leaving the libaray and saw the pick-up truck coming back on the adjacent road. I stepped into the parking garage to wait out the truck. I didn't wait long enough and the truck was coming up the road next to me. it saw me and emediately turned so I wouldn't see the driver.
That pick-up stopped following me at or around 7pm and then there was a blue suv, i told myself i was parinoid. I got lost and walked in circles on my way back to my motel i walked several extra miles before I finally found my way. When I reached the driveway of the motel and the SUV pulled up on the adjacent street and honked to let me know they knew where i was staying. I was very upset and fustrated. About a half hour later a white pick-up pulled in the parking lot and I dove back into my room.
04 May 2014
The white pick-up was sitting in the parking lot across from the motel and again. I got desprate and called Greg to help with my room rent and I told him about his friends follwing me around and how I thought it was completely ridiculous that he has his cohearts following me around. I sent an e-mail to fatherhood campaign and said your wasting a lot of gas driving in circles maybe you should just ask where I'm going. Or maybe you should beat feet with me. Then on that morning Greg said there was a jungtion to the court order and he e-mailed it to me. The junction was completelly ridiculous accusing me of calling him in the middle of the night, and the e-mails i sent his employers i was invited to communicate with these men and now they are trying to claim i am harrassing them. Now I'm no longer allowed to call FHC and i have the e-mail telling me they would be happy to talk to me and so I took them up on this offer and i called Frank Castro and asked him why I wasn't allowed to talk to my children? Nothing came of this conversation and my ex-husband continued to not answer the phone when I called and not allow me to talk to my children.
Greg came to pay my room and he said I had to stay hidden.Why Greg why do i have to stay hidden? Well i don't want the kids to see you this way! What way Greg? In a motel room, how dumb we have all stayed in motel rooms together and you even had the whole family living in a motel room when you made us homeless which you did to this family no less than 4 times. When our whole world was falling apart you would lay in a recliner and watch tv or lay in bed watching TV. So what's your next excuse you have to maintain your scard I'm going to take our children and run because you have been telling those lies to your buddies? Don't worry I know you well. I know you are simply putting on a show. That's ok greg I'll be in the shadows when your lies crumble yet again as they always do in your life pattern. Well I didn't and I don't feel one bit bad either. The boys don't seem to miss me at all. But Ava sure does miss me. Greg wouldn't stay long of course.

 CPS agent is again rude and she is not believing anything I'm telling her even though I have sent her evidence and eyewitness testimony. I think I will just let that go and build income and build a strong case against all these men. I can't wait to figure out who owns the black pick-up truck. I really think it is Frank and considering how angry and defensive he became when I called him out on the fact that Greg was his employee when Tamer went to court and claimed Mr. Marshall was unemployed, that would explain him being fearful that I am here and I may tell all of their dirty deeds at FHC. So I have a case and I don't think it matters how long it takes to get to court, it will always be a strong case. OK go do online jobs and do both assistance. Build buisness plans and get your unground income and your claimable income. Mean while be collecting up all the statements and doctors notes, go find Mr. Holllester from anikin's birth and just don't stop. Talk to Steve--scary isn't it. I don't know how to deal with the two agents that think I guilty of abuse and am the whole problem i guess it's back to Mathew 5:11 i'll just let it go for a couple of days then I'll need to call the supervisor of the Michigan CPS agency.
I always knew Greg could sell an ice chest to eskomos, now he's proving it. The kids don't seem to missing me like I'm missing them maybe I should just take a break. Will they ever miss me?
Oh well maybe he can get a job utilizing all those brain washing skills. Ok dawn all your worst fears have come to pass now it's time for most wonderful dreams to come to pass. And once again I saw law of attraction I needed a place to sell my jewelry or a person to sell my jewelry to and i came across two of them.
Now the 4.7 is around the corner and then an entire legal team HEE HEE.
I can't my mind off how parnoid the entire pilisbry doughboy squad is! Is it strictly for legal reasons or is Greg filling their heads full of crap? Both likely. How does a person save face? Time of living rightously I guess. I keep asking him why I need supervised visitation and I'm not getting an answer the preushual. Oh Well I told them they would see who he really is the problem lies in the fact that they are the same kind of people to view Greg through clear eyes means they have to see themselves clearly too-not sure that will happen. oh well i am that i am.
06 May 2014
Greg called and asked all kindly how did things go yesterday, and he informed me yet again that he went to Kids Exchange and did his intake. I told him I don't have the money to pay kids exchange so I can see the kids, then I informed Greg that this coming Sunday is Mother's Day and it will be the first Mother's Day that I will be away from my kids. Then I informed Greg that-it will be wonderful advertisment for the fatherhood campaign and I will advertise it. OMG these men advertise keeping moms and dads apart of children's lives and look what they are doing to my children and I. Mr. Morsi is claiming because of my behavior I am no longer allowed to contact Greg or anyone he is affiliated with. I have an e-mail from Frank Castro stating he would be happy to make time to discuss these issues with me however, when he did make time for me it did not solve any problems and I still was only allowed to talk to my children once and not again. Then shortly there after I found that my children were not recieving anything I sent them cards letters, pictures, and a large box of their personnel possesions.
The lies in the divorce decree are causing people to pre-judge me as a problem and child abuser when I have never been guilty of such a thing, also in the divorce decree.
 called Greg at five thirty and asked to speak to the kids. He said he was about to go get them. My response was what do you spend an hour a day with them? That's not parenting! So even if the kids call tonight I can't take the call because I'm at the Salvation Army. So I've learned so much today. And I remember too don't compromise on your morals and don't let the devil get a footing Dawn. Great what price will I pay for that compromise. Guess I'll try to forgive myself.
So I learned that if your a domestic abuse victum you get twice as much benifits as just regular person in need. So Greg was in the system when he decided to claim being a victum of domestic abuse he ran down to the police station and filed the falouneous police report. Then it accured to me that each month he claimed to abused were the very months that I suffered rape. Not only that but our marriage counseling sessions go back to 2007 and in those sessions there are detailed events of myself suffering abuse and never once is there anything listed about his abuse. And on top of that when he went to have that lie detector thing done he told that guy he raped his wife then he said it wasn't on purpose wow. I guess that man didn't note that and he'll simply claim he doesn't remember.
I absolutlly have to call the michigan cps supervisor maybe people are ganging up on me because i keep saying it out loud.
So this daft man is really going to refuse me face time with my children. And you know the fatherhood campaign is the one telling him to do it.

I think it says in the court order that mother and father can work out other visitations. I'll reread it not that it's going to do any good. ok it does say that mother and father should be enabled to have a continued close relationship with children, so he has violated another part of the court order hope Greg is ready for jail because 

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