It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Near misses in Washington DC

here in Washington DC when I arrived there was a lot of near misses with car accidents as it has been in every city that I have entered I have minions loads of minions driving past me following me on the streets now of course not all of these minions are bad they're playing along with the game doubles and triples as I call them. I have people that were nearly driving me off the road and some of them were going to cross the yellow line for a head-on collision divine intervention kept it from happening. unfortunately I had to over here a horrible conversation a police officer asking why I was still alive why haven't you gotten rid of her and then we were announcing how police officers get rid of people right in front of my eyes as I take pictures and videos of the loose ends that they tie up the witnesses they have to get rid of. slowly but surely I am making everybody aware they are not aware of why it is I'm still around and why I haven't been killed they are not aware of my real story and all the crimes that have been committed against me because my social media is controlled my email is controlled I can't make a phone call without it being rerouted two days ago I talked to somebody at the chief's office at least he said he was in the chief's office he was the rudest nastiest individual I've ever talked to calling himself lieutenant Simon or salmon or some made up name as all the police officers do in San Antonio they go so far as to wear a fake name badge on their uniform this is a very serious crime and I look forward to their very serious indictment. of course I don't believe I was actually talking to anybody in the chief's office and I guess it doesn't matter because all my phone calls are recorded and it will be heard by the nation of some fool continuously saying over and over again that he was going to call behavioral health and as I attempted to tell him about the crimes of his police officers and the fact that they are following me across the country he told me he doesn't have time for this if you don't have time to do your job then the taxpayers should not be paying your salary you are a waste of tax dollars you're very existence is a waste of taxpayers dollars you don't have time to listen to the crimes of your officers? you don't have time to deal with John making the hideous statement I deal with you all the time I've had to deal with you all the time so many times making a reference to the Hyatt regency when you accompanied the chief walking up and down the Riverwalk talking to the businesses trying to play them and be kind and sweet so they won't testify in a court of law that all of their employees had participated in the gang stalking of one mother fighting for her children fighting for her life. the dopey police officer blocked the sidewalk so I couldn't take a video and I couldn't even so much as walk on the sidewalk what do you think you're doing. that is not a famous actor that is not the president that is the chief of police that is supposed to make himself available to all the residents of San Antonio he is not supposed to avoid any of them including the one he has been trying to have killed. I look forward to finding out who it was that I talked to who claimed to be in the chief's office I look forward to testifying against you in a court of law you're going to get what you deserve. your vocabulary is that of a fifth grader and you say that you're a lieutenant apparently they give breasts to anybody including those that can't even pass a GED test. I hope you did call behavioral health he continuously asked me where I was so that he could send behavioral health to my location I informed him that his police officers are following me I already have them all over me no need to call anybody and send police officers to attack and harass me dumbass

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