It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

March 9th michigan

these pictures you can see who came with me on my trip across the country I just love those silver 4Runners they're awesome. I was told by a female voice that I had to ask everybody that I encountered I had to ask them for food for money for gasoline. she took over my bank account and her and her man were constantly battling and fighting about whether or not they would allow me to have any money. apparently there was some humiliation that she thought that I would suffer by asking everybody if they would help me with a morsel of food or a dollar. it's a good system to test for people's ability a good samaritan. I didn't find very many Samaritans especially when I'm talking to those individuals who have been hired and paid to attack me. I'm unable to get my true story out to these people they don't understand what's going on they don't understand who I am and they don't understand that I am not the criminal they were told that I am. I'm not your enemy and you should not be torturing me. some of these individuals claim to be my friend helping me time will tell it's been 2 days since I've had food it's July 26th and $15,000 was taken out of my bank account. if you're my friend and you're on this trip with me to support and help me make it through I would expect you to do something

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