It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

I made a deal with the devil

I feel that no in fact I know that I am a servant a loyal servant of my Lord. my job as bait in an investigation bait in a sting is a part of God's plan. Jesus always said these things must take place and through my torture my pain and my desperate situation I repeat to myself Jesus said these things must take place and I must be strong. I made a deal with the devil I told him that as a part of God's plan I need to go across the country and I have to find potential. I have to find those people that are Good Samaritans I have to find those people that have morals and virtues I have to find those people that say I will not take her because it is against the will of my Lord it is against God's law. these are the people that I'm looking for and as I look for them I find those individuals that are willing to attack me and violate me those are his. come on now we all know that the devil is smart he already thought of it as I drive across the country finding what I need from my Lord and Savior he gets what he needs and what he wants. he's not dumb he knows that's how it works. all those who attack me don't want me to do this and they do everything in their power to stop me and I continuously repeat if I get what I want then you automatically get what you want. I find all of those potential all of those who are faithful and loyal to our God to our Lord and savior and you automatically find those who abuse free will. it's a win-win situation it's a deal.. I always say and repeat over and over again Free Will is a bugger he gave you free will and yes some referred to it as a test and it probably is. what will you do with the free will how will you use it will you abuse it I'm looking I'm driving across the country and I'm going to see what you're going to do with that free will I'm looking for my potential. I'm looking for the reason that humanity will be saved our God is pretty upset. will you stand with me and show God that there's reason to say humanity will you be one of the reasons that humanity is saved? are we go to the other side because the devil's with me he's watching and he's waiting to see what will you choose. that's why I do what I do that's why I keep going this is God's plan I am a loyal savior and servant. so to all of you that come with me on this journey God bless you he loves you and thank you for being with me

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