It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Dakota county

so this is Dakota county and this is where I'm spending most of my time because somebody access my bank account and I can't even so much as get a police report this is the police station that was supposed to hold my property in the property room and they don't have the property in the property room according to the officer I talked to. Friday July 22nd my birthday I went to the Dakota county to get my property they said there was no one in the property room. I asked him to call a taxi and there was a police officer there with long blonde hair and she asked me if I was able to pay for the taxi. I told her that I have my credit card and I can pay for the taxi she seemed very upset that I was able to pay for anything very upset that I had money. I was told that they were upset that they were lied to. she gave me directions to Walmart I walked down to Walmart and made a purchase. about an hour later my card was shut down and I haven't been able to make a purchase since then I haven't been able to eat or have shelter or bathe. after making the Walmart purchase I was standing on the corner outside the Walmart store and that police officer drove by she could see that I wasn't lying that I did have money she could see that I made a purchase. so doesn't it start looking like the police department had something to do with it. they won't give me a police report they won't help me find out who access my bank account so that I can get the funds back and I don't have to start to death. I'm not saying they had anything to do with it I'm just telling you it's very suspicious. I was released from the Dakota county jail on July 21st. my debit card would only work as credit it didn't work when I was trying to use the pin because the officer Christopher deck is a monster he's insane he's a criminal he's a sociopath. I didn't have a warrant for my arrest when I was put in the Dakota county jail and obviously I didn't have a warrant for my arrest when I was released from the jail. apparently here in Minnesota just like Texas Lawrence appear from thin air. when you have people attacking you and they're telling you that they're going to put you right back in the jail they manifest warrants from thin air they accuse you of crimes they did that you did not commit. does it make any sense that 2 to 3 days later I have a warrant for my arrest and I'm watching officer Christopher deck from San Antonio Texas here in Dakota county on the phone asking people where is that thing we're working on what's the progress where are we at with that oh you sound so professional as you commit serious crimes

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