It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, February 14, 2020

Travis Park Statue removal

I just happened across this event when it was happening I had just returned to San Antonio from Waco. I went to talk to other FBI offices because San Antonio headquarters was not helping me.

McManus arrived and his little assistant got out of the Cruizer when I was walking by and he had a look of panic on his face. He knew exactly who I was but I didn't know him. It is the one that it is always driving McManus who wears the birth control glasses. You can see him on the SAPD facebook page lots of pictures of the McManus shadow. You can also see the black officer that is considered McManus security detail that has gotten in my face more than once, He is quite the creep putting his finger in my face yelling at me while I sit and he stands. Yelling at me when I have never done anything wrong. ALL the members of the Chief's office think they are above the law.
A lot happened at this event. There were many reporters and I talked to almost all of them trying to give my story. A reporter and camera man from channel four were being harassed and yelled at by SAPD officers and while I was talking to them those officers were all over us being psycho. I informed them it was because of me. They asked me to walk away because they were sick of being a target of SAPD. They were just testing the situation to see if it was true that I was the target. I walked away and the officers disbursed and they had their answer they were looking for.
While I was there I was looking for SGT. Giliam and I walked up to Dech to ask if he was there. Officer Darby jumped in front of him and he hand his finger in my face yelling at me and threatening me. All the officers were told to keep Dech and I separate and to keep us from talking and they have kept this up to this day. Darby had a cold and he was coughing all over everyone not even covering his mouth disgusting. After the event when I got sick I made sure to thank him for the present and I saw him all over the city he was following and chasing me on duty and off duty.
SGT. Giliam did show up and he blatantly stood in front of him and I knew it was him when Dech had certain body language. He is a criminal and a trader to our nation it is easy to hate that man. He tried to kill me of starvation and he nearly succeeded it is a wonder I survived. He threw me into behavioral health on June 13th 2017 and I simply asked him for food. The officers that had come to my home talked to McManus before arriving and he built their ego convincing them that they were his right hand men special officers and they were easily played. I wouldn't break the law just because the psycho Chief told me to but that is just me.
They sent Giliam at me because Joaquin Castro is dumb enough to think if I have an angry outburst on these killers he will get away with all his crimes and so will all these officers. Yes Joaquin Castro is that stupid.
No such thing happened even though Giliam entered my personnel space twice purposely.
I was angry watching all the officers eating in front of me after I had just nearly starved to death and I was on the streets with no money, no where to go and no food. My condition has not changed to date.

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