It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Tom Hanks attacked by foreign agents

I tried reaching out to Tom Hanks using my fake instagram. Mind you I knew it was fake and my enemies were daft enough to believe they had me fooled. They used his social media accounts and stole his identity. There was a foreign agent who chose to call herself Moe that came to visit me claiming she cared about my situation and the fact I was near death. She brought me a care package when I was sitting outside city hall. This was the Castro Brothers that sent her they were freaking out because I had every intention of talking to every member of city hall telling them what was being done to me. Tom Hanks contacted me a month o so later when they couldn't get control of me spreading awareness. This contact happened in the middle of the night and I believe it was Officer Nick Doiser because of the stupid things he was saying matches my previous conversations with the officer who has made many attempts on my life. It took only a minute for me to realize there was no way that it was Tom Hanks the conversation was of a very low intellect which would not match that of Mr. Hanks.
Does everyone see how Chet became addicted to drugs. This is by design. This is what demon foreign agents do to the families of their targets. Later it will be reveled that it was a foreign agent or a puppet of foreign agents that attached themselves to the Hanks family to create chaos.
The attack on Chet at the Golden Globes and the fact that it was seen as offensive when everyone could see it was in good fun and was not intended to offend this is more foreign agent attacks creating strife. That is the specialty of foreign agents to create hate and turmoil. 

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