It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Teisha M. Anthony Principal Deputy General Counsel

You might want to take notice as to what your agents are doing in San Antonio you most certainly will be held accountable for the mountain of crimes they are committing here and the abuse of power. The businesses that are being bought up with tax dollars and the grants for veterans that are being abused as dirty NSA purchase businesses and take that government funding from actual law abiding veterans who wish they could open businesses that are actually ligament. You will be held accountable for all the numerous attempts your agents have made on my life. You will be held accountable for the dirty NSA agent who had a loaded weapon in my face. You will be held accountable for your agents chasing me all over the streets of San Antonio thinking they are funny. When I fall asleep on a slab of cement your agents come to my location and steel what little food I have so they can cause my starvation and get away with their crimes. I am not going to die until I see you and Glenn go to prison for a very long time because all the crimes those in your command have done to me.

 Below u will see one of your sociopathic killers that has been attacking me since 2016 he is in all my phones and he unlawfully hacks into the networks of the city of San Antonio Public Library and colleges every time I am trying to use a computer. He has collected criminals all over this city instructing them to stalk and harass me. He and his girlfriend who works for the FBI have pulled many criminals from prison and put them on the streets of San Antonio instructing them to cause my emotional breakdown. Many of these former inmates were instructed to do me bodily harm and your socioapathic agents told them they will never suffer consequences for the crimes they are committing. Brad drives a different sports care every two weeks and the tax payers are footing the bill. He has taken his position and manipulated government monies to purchase businesses for his pals whom I believe are international spies. This is a sociopath that has caused my three children to be trapped in abuse being brain washed, tortured, poisoned, and hidden from their mother for six years. While they are trapped in abuse with no help from the system he attacks their mother who is fighting to save them and be with them. This is a monster a sick animal.

 And here we have another of your sociopathic agents following me all over the city. He was gas lighting me into believing he was doing a genius investigation to help me. I believed this sociopath for a long time. He was at the central library yesterday laughing because of the pain and suffering he is causing me. He thinks himself powerful and smart that I need to go three or more days without food and the only food I get is poisoned. Him and his comrades instruct Starbucks employees to poison coffee that I am given they also call non profits that give food to homeless and instruct them to poison food and drink. These are sick animals and you have hundreds of them doing this in Texas you will be prosecuted and indicted for their crimes. If you care about your freedom you would get control of your dogs.

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