It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Still following me around saying stupid upsetting crap trying to keep everyone convinced he is mentally incapacitated. He really does have them fooled. Good actor or a city full of fools? You decide.
He announced that "They" manipulated SSN office so I could get my card and then announced I am suppose to go get a job. I have no money for interview clothing, no money to buy a uniform, no money to shower, no transportation to and from a job, no phone to receive calls from potential employers, most people in this city know me and know that many people will be closing their businesses because of me and the crimes they committed against me, so would you hire me?
Every job I have had since 2013 has been manipulated by the dirty city officials and Gregory Marshall so apparently the sick NSA, CIA, FBI, and their foreign agents pals want more of this to happen. Emotional break down and more crimes. When they have been doing this for more than 6 years and investigating agents are watching it happen then why should I have to do it again? Because the investigators are sociopaths and highly incompetent. They also know nothing of how the real world works and what it takes to get a job. I also was told that I need to walk through the city collecting up the criminals. You expect me to walk across the city when you are poisoning me? They are just trying to get me to over exert myself so that my heart will fail. The dirty agents are dumb enough to think their underlining agenda is a mystery OH PLEASE.
This butt munch also told me to stop dragging it out and go lay down and die. How would you feel if a trader to our nation who has been delivering gas lighting stories to you told you to go lay down and die. I was told America loves me. OH REALLY? So that is love when all these sociopaths are telling me to lay down and die? That is love keeping me out here way too long and trying to cause my death? No sorry that is not love. If I am not consuming poison then I am starving to death.
President Trump the American people may not know about this situation just yet but they will soon and they will know I have been begging for your help that you refuse to give me based on lies you are told about things I never said to you or about you. I need help I am in pain and I am as close to death as I can get.
So today I was seeking out the criminals that the sociopaths told me to seek and did I get a reward? Am I still out here? Am I freezing? The only meal I can get is poison and I am going to do your investigation for you, why? I AM NOT.

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