It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

President Bush Funeral

 I can't say who it is that talk to the Air Force One Pilots and ask them to do a favor. It would have to be somebody they knew and respected somebody of great Authority but I can't say who.

I don't know who did it but I think I was wrong by blaming President Trump  hopefully  he will understand  that I was gaslighted  and I believe in he did it  and that was all very purposeful . Whoever did it  how is the Bush family a lot more than just an apology  a thorough explanation and a psychiatric evaluation 

I think whoever did this is horribly disrespectful and disgusting thing would have to be somebody that could talk to air traffic control his voice would be recognized his name would be recognized but I can't say who.
I don't know who it is that sent Air Force One off and its course so that it went from Houston to San Antonio and flew over San Antonio gang stalking an innocent woman who was being tortured. It was highly disrespectful to the Bush family it was disgraceful to our nation it was the most horrible thing I've ever seen it was so upsetting to think that I was being attacked by my own oh I can understand being attacked by Foreign agents and it's become common place for me and my life but to have the Air Force One Pilots taking that plane off its course participate in gang stalking they had a mission and a job to do and that was to carry President Bush to his memorial how disrespectful to his memory how disgusting they are. For a while I became confused because I was thoroughly convinced to that only the president and the vice president could manipulate Air Force 1. That's the whole reason I was so adamant about blaming President Trump. I had been fighting with Hillary for more than a year more like years so I thought maybe she did it. She probably could have made the phone calls and gotten favors done. But now I think someone else did it but I can't say who but one thing I can say is when this is all done the truth will come out because the investigators know exactly who did it because the FBI the NSA and the CIA aren't going to let this happen without taking notice without getting evidence documentation you can bet they've talked to those pilots and air traffic control 2

It was Obama and Hilary that did it. It was horrible Air Force One went to get president Bush and when they left Houston they flew over my head in San Antonio. I assumed as all Americans do that the President and Vice President are the only ones who can direct air force one. They are suppose to be the only ones that can change flight plan. Well when we have a sociopath spy that use to be our President Air Force One is manipulated. Lord only knows who those pilots are from and whether or not they are foreign agents. 
I was yelling at Trump in social media and that is exactly what the objective was of Obama and Hilary. Trump was telling the Bush family it wasn't true. Air Force One was truly off course stalking a innocent woman but Trump didn't do it. 
Watch all the details of the funeral, does everyone see how hard Obama is laughing and how often? That is why because he put this whole thing together, I took pictures of Air Force One they were here three times that day and several times over the following two months. Trump was blamed for all of it and that was tickling Obama. 
It was very upsetting for me and as time went on this became mild comparative to what they would do to me. Like right now in 2020 on the streets no money, no food, no shelter, no bathing, no medical treatment. 

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