It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Manufactured Storms helping Insurance companies

I have been avoiding talking about this subject matter because so many american citizens are simple minded and don't understand or want to understand the control the government has to create these storms. 
The freezing weather of Feb. 2020 they are doing on purpose so I will suffer injury and they hope for an emotional break as usual. I am not the only victim so by creating an extreme cold front I am not the only person being targeted. 
I am sure all this stressed out Mayor Taylor and that is just one of the many reasons this happened. Unfortunately of American citizens don't understand to what level the weather can be controlled by the government or the intelligence agencies. 
Well it is time for you to wake up. I have been watching and paying attention to these jets for years and that is how you tell the weather for the week not the inept weather man and woman on TV. 
This is a gift to all the foreign agent Insurgence agents. 
The foreign agent dealerships. 
The dirty CIA construction companies fixing the structural damage to homes and businesses. 
So much more the list is huge. People were injured and the roads were in need of repair. 

 I am sure all the residents of San Antonio remember how scary these storms were and the horrible damage they caused there are some many pictures of how big the hail was. This was manufactured. I careless if you believe me I am attempting to reach people with an ounce of sense not you simpletons who say that is just movie magic. Where do you think movies get the ideas? How do you think government secrets are leaked? MOVIES!!!!!!

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