It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Library employees stalking and harassing and acting stupid

 Today at the Central Library employees are acting stupid giving me a hard time harassing me per the instruction of Joaquin Castro and all of his halflings

this Asian employee  to appears to be Korean but I don't know  who has been stalking and harassing me for years decided it was okay for him to put his hands on me and hit my back several times  when I was sitting at a table with my head down as I have told everybody my neck and arm hurt so badly from the poison that I have been subjected to I can barely function yes I had my head down and I may have fallen asleep that does not give this man the right to assault me you do not put your hands on people and I informed him of this and how wrong he was  he said well you're awake now so it's perfectly okay for me to touch you in your country it might be okay here in America that's called assault and it is not okay .  When I tried to correct him he tried to justify his actions saying that it is perfectly okay  ask me if I was awake I am formed him that I'm wide awake and during his a dightman's Ty will be awake  and dancing in the streets . These morons that work at the Central Library seem to think that they will get away with all of their crimes there collusion and obstruction of justice they're stalking and harassing like the idiot laughing  I've got news for you you're not going to get away with it he then went to the police officer who is working undercover as a security guard and the two of them were laughing  I'll be the one laughing in the end  when you are indicted 

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