It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, February 14, 2020

Instagram Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger

The devious plot to attack me and make an opportunity for Zuckerberg. If only these boys would have had a moral compass and said no.
Early 2018 they were approached by foreign agents and dirty intelligence agents and asked if they could build a fake Instagram for the purposes to attack an innocent mother fighting for her children. They agreed to do it. There were several layers to this plot this scheme. They were doing something highly illegal and they were dabbling in espionage.
In September of 2018 they were approached by a separate group of agents and told about the amount of serious trouble they were in for doing what they did. They were told that they had options, if they sold off their company and walked away they would not be prosecuted. That is what they did and of course everyone knew that Zuckerberg was one of the only people that would be able to take it on without competition. 
They did as the agents said and the rest is history.
Here is the deal both sets of agents they talked to were working with one another and they were doing all this to attack me and also to make an opportunity for Zuckerberg. They were played more so than I was played and they had a lot more to loose.
I hope you boys hung onto the money you were paid by the dirty Zuckerberg and his foreign agent wife because you are not out of the woods yet and you will need to be paying for a defense team.
You are up against the United States Government and me. If only you had a moral compass enough to say no. If only you were law abiding citizens. Did those agents tell you not to worry about me? Did you even ask or have enough of brain to understand I have every right and desire to sue the hell out of you? You are so screwed because sue you is exactly what I will be doing. You are out your company you built from ground up and soon you will be broke. You are the dumbest smart people ever. OK not as dumb as Zuckerberg.
When it happened that they were forced to step down I looked at it as a little bit of Justice served. To a certain extent it is and now justice will be served to the agents that set up these boys and told so many lies.

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