It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Goodwill Career Center

This place was colluding with SAPD in 2017 and 18. I was going here to use the computers. I was actually posting to my blog and Chief McManus and his halflings called and told the man in charge I was abusing the center. I got warning. I went to the city website and there were three jobs posted I applied for two of them. I then applied for those jobs. Of course I knew that even though I qualified I would never be considered. I still have to go through the process so we can show that all of city hall in San Antonio are abusing their jobs. The man in charge at Goodwill started to grill me about what I was doing on the computers. He demanded to know what the jobs were I applied for, he was extremely nasty and he was asking for an extreme amount of information job description required education a description and so on. He invaded my personnel space in a threatening manner they are all instructed to do this. I was not lying I did apply for those jobs, he could have just looked at the history of the computer I was on and he didn't need to be grilling me like that.
I stopped going to the center who wants to put up with nasty people at a criminal non profit full of foreign agents and traders to our nation.

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