It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Dirty NSA

Everyone can see here and the other blog that I announce that the NSA were the only ones that helped me. It was never true. I went to them in March 2018 and they took all my case information and they told me they were going to help me. That is what the NSA does they lie to our entire nation. They were gas lighting me into believing that they were investigating and they never were. They were always unlawfully in all my electronics but when they wanted me to believe they were investigating helping me they made themselves know to be there. Then a dirty NSA agent was on Houston St. who made me believe that Hilary and the Castro Brothers called him and asked him to be a trader to his nation. They didn't have to call him he was always a trader and sociopath a cold blooded killer.

Just so everyone knows Brad is NSA not CIA I continue to write this in my letter. The reason I made this assumption is Heather had a fake instagram calling herself Loren. She had a fake boyfriend that was stalking and harassing me on line and on the street. He claimed to be a CIA agent. I assumed that her real boyfriend must be CIA. Brad told me he was in the military and he was in the middle east. Is that when he became a money hungry trader to our nation? I don't know maybe he was born that way a Sociopath. The fact that he works so closely with the NSA dirty agents and he was in the military pretty much says he is NSA. I never thought the detail mattered CIA, NSA they are both dirty criminals attacking our democracy.

When the NSA was faking an investigation they were telling me things like a dirty FBI agent in Waco Texas decided to take early retirement when they confronted him. That did not happen. The dirty FBI agent in Waco is a foreign agent and although he has not been brought to justice at this time he most certainly will be, he will be going to prison for the rest of his life. That pension you look forward to you are going to give it make to the American people whom you endangered and committed crimes against. Your assets will be liquidated because the Tax Payers don't pay people to commit crimes.

The NSA are manipulating air traffic control sending the planes and they are still doing it at this moment they are manipulating all the military air craft in and out of San Antonio. Everybody say good bye to the Secretary of Defense Gone bye bye.

The directors of the CIA, NSA, FBI all gone see ya, your goose is cooked.

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