It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Anikin Johon Marshall NICU attempting to kill him.

Whether it's in this documentation or the next that will be posted dr. Mary Elizabeth Wearden notated the care she gave but I never met this woman. I met a small Latino woman and I met a male Doctor from the middle east. That doctor was pumping my new born baby so full of meds and toxins he did not need that his renal system started to shut down. That doctor was accusing me of being a drug addict. As you can imagine I was very upset I never took any drugs during any of my pregnancies, however what I did not know is my husband was poisoning my food and drink. He was getting that medication from Lisa Van Ackern, the nurse at baptist the middle east doctor all of who were planning to kill me. I would have died in my bedroom I was calling 911 and neighbors trying to get to the hospital and he laid on a sofa smiling and laughing because his wife and unborn child were dying in the bedroom. That is an act of God that we survived we really should not have lived through that. When we got to the hospital my nine year old daughter sat at the Nurses station telling ALL the medical professionals what had taken place and all that her step father had done. Look at these medical records there are no nurses notes or doctors notes indicating what my daughter told them. Dr. Simpson was not there she was on vacation so she says. That was planned she induced my labor in a heinous manner and she made sure she was not there for my death. It was the plan. 
Dr. Thompson delivered my baby and there were 17 people in my labor and delivery room all the staff filled the room because they had never seen a breech baby delivered vaginally that is not done in today's world. This delivery was unique and memorable they did not forget it. Now look at my medical records do you see Dr. Thompson's name anywhere? Doctor Thompson got in the face of my ex husband with his finger in Greg's face screaming 10 times and you would have lost your wife and unborn child. What the Doctor didn't know is that was his plan and he got help from his mistress and CIA sociopaths , medical staff that are foreign agents friends of dirty CIA. 

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