It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, February 7, 2020

All investigating agents

To all you investigating agents who claim to be good who claim to be investigating and helping me. When you sit next to me knowing that I am starving and you refuse to give me money that is not GOOD.
When you are being arrogant and nasty to me and others based on our attire and our need for the basics in life, that is not Good.
When you are documenting that you walked past me and/or interacted with me it will go in the Mueller Probe report. From there I will be filing a hundred ethics complaints. If you get to keep your jobs when this is over you will be up to your eyebrows in ethics counseling for the rest of your career.
Watching someone starve to death and being poisoned to near death is not OK you took a oath and when you took the job that meant you agreed you would never be able to watch a crime happening without doing something about it.
I had a nasty undercover this morning and there is no good reason for you to be acting as if you are holier than thou. I promise you there will be several ethics complaints with your name on it. If you people think you are going to continue to starve me to death and poison me and the American people will view you as some sort of savior of our nation, you have another thing coming. I will make sure the American people know what you thought you could get away with simply because you are working uncover.

You think I have no rights you better think again I am holding your careers in my hands and the longer I go without food the more likely it is I will crush your careers your livelihoods.

Too the Psychos that threatened to do Officer Dech's family bodily harm if he came near me I am going to make sure you never see the light of day again I don't care how many times I have to petition the courts or how many citizens of this nation I have to rally I am going to make you locked up for life.

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