It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Suicide Attempt at Salvation Army November 21st at 2300 2017

There was a tragedy at the Salvation army on  Tuesday evening at 2300 November 21st. One of the lady attempted to take her life by jumping from the interstate. The staff member attempted to stop her and talk her down but she was unable to do so. Now I think by this day and age it is common knowledge that suicide rates double during the holidays and the very least we should be treating each other with extra kindness and empathy at the very least.
The paramedics and police were notified and the Director then came in.
The director; who's name I believe is Roxanne not that she has ever formerly introduced herself to the women staying at the salvation army, this woman came in and announced that everyone needed to stop praying. Yes that is right a christian organization claiming to do the most good says the residences were not allowed to pray for our fellow resident being rushed to the hospital. Then Roxanne proceeded to walk through the bay, carrying herself like a drill sergeant yelling at people and creating an environment that causes people to walk on glass and eggshells. She made the statement that she would kick anybody out for not complying to her rule; I am guessing that would be the stop praying loud announcement. Let me remind everyone that this is thanksgiving week and it is cold outside. Does this sound like someone with compassion and empathy for those in need?
You see these women at the salvation army are not emotionally, physically, or mentally healthy and those things contribute to the fact that they are in need. The Salvation Army thinks they can run this shelter as if it is the US Army with the iron fist. There is a very good reason that our armed forces do not take unhealthy individuals for enlistment they simply will not hold up under the pressure.
Here is another fact that should not go unsaid; when our military drill sergeants break us down and rip apart our old bad habits they then rebuild us and put us back together a new and confident solider you will withstand the adversity of war. The staff of the Salvation Army rip these women apart robbing the women of self worth and self confidence, they do not then rebuild them again.
Just this morning a kitchen staff member was corrected by one of the residents and asked kindly to address her with respect that staff member made the loud bold statement that she does not give a shit. Yes she swore. Welcome to the new christian ways here in San Antonio.
Another staff member who has earned her rights of being disliked by all is Rebecca and she has been with the salvation army for 18 years. This woman is very mean to put it dimly or to make an understatement. She yells at people, she does not talk to people she has no respect for these women and she displays an inability to show or experience empathy.  Rebecca was trifling through a residents belongings last Friday looking for a disinfectant spray bottle. This spray bottle had been turned into the office and then Rebecca proceeded to loose the spray bottle and instead of owning her mistake she walked through the shelter yelling about about the bottle she misplaced, forcing everyone to own her mistake. When the resident who was being violated by Rebecca protested and said she turned it in Rebecca screamed and said no you didn't. Weather she did or did not there is a clear cut way to talk to people and carry yourself in a professional manner and Rebecca has an inability to do so. The hand book states the salvation army does not deny new residents the ability to wash their clothes yet Rebecca denied two residents this ability on Monday. I guess when you have been with the organization for 18 years you can do what ever you please, and isn't sad to think that this woman doesn't want to treat people in a dignified manner?
If this isn't enough of a transitivity then the fact the director Roxanne and Joe are telling these women there is no help for rapid rehousing because they have no funds in their accounts. The funds are put in their accounts every fiscal year like clock work. When is the fiscal year? This is a non-profit and their finical records are by law suppose to be available for viewing by any member of the public.
There is a resident at the Salvation Army who is near a suicidal state because the Salvation Army refuses to grant her rapid rehousing if she does not have a job. This resident receives SSI and because of her percentage of disability she is not allowed to work without loosing her SSI benefits and I would really like the Salvation Army to explain why they would play games with this woman who is not emotionally inept to deal with the lies and the rejection they are placing on her. It is very hard for these women to watch the salvation give some apartments and rapid rehousing while others are rejected, and from where I am standing it looks as though they are being rejected based on favoritism. If you are going to reject people then you should just be honest about it and stop lying saying there are no funds in your accounts. Lying is the Christian way right?
One last thing before I step into the realm of petty and trite; these directors have received phone calls from a certain Political figure informing them that there was a woman coming to them for services and he then asked that she be treated in a particularly unkind manner; the details of his requests I don't really know. Yes the staff did comply with this politician and the fact that her name was even said and their was an exchange of information about this woman is a clear cut violation of the privacy act of 1974. This is how the Salvation Army does their bidding.
There are wonderful staff members who do an awesome job and I do not mean to take away or undermine their wonderful work and I will be sure to commend them and loudly bless them I promise.

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