It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Chief McManus pretending to be oblivious to what is happening in his office and on his force. Sorry dear you are still responsible the captain always goes down with the ship

Chief McManus and the Castro Brothers have a lot in common just stand there and act like you don't know what you did or what is wrong with harassment and criminal solicitation. 
At the lighting ceremony Joe Trevino got in my face asking why I was taking pictures of the autos clear cut harassment. I told him I have the right to do so that's why. And yet another officer acting like he doesn't know who I am so you didn't read the ten emails I sent to you? You don't do your job? Surprise-Surprise. Why are you so concerned about the pictures Joe? You know exactly who I am and what my objective is. Was that Congressman Castro that just called you?

I love the way these men walk around thinking they can do what ever they want.  Show this city and nation you are too inadequate for the job go ahead and pretend you don't know who I am and you don't know the torturous hell you have put me through. First your lying you are the one ordering officers to follow and stalk me you are the one who had two officers follow me all the way to Waco Texas. If there wasn't evidence and testimonies to this perhaps your dumb routine might work aside from the fact that you are responsible for what happens in your office and in your department so claiming you are innocent and you just don't know isn't going to work you are very much responsible and you will go down with the ship. 
I love the way these men walk around thinking they can do what ever they want. Chief McManus the FBI already took over SAPD officers I watched them do it two days ago your position is already over time to wake up and smell the roses walk around acting like you don't know what is happening and show this city and nation you are too inadequate for the job. 

I just spoke with Chief McManus who acted as if he does not know who I am. He had some lovely micro expressions that said other wise. Yes I enjoy that micro expressions of fear but don't take my word for it I will up load the video and you can view for yourself. He says he will call Monday morning what and will that phone call make six months of torture, harassment, all my losses go away. I don't think so you will see in the video I told I lost everything ...did he dig in his pocket book no of course not you keep claiming you don't happening on your force and career is over or we can look all the evidence of you send your officers harass stalk and terrorize me and your career is still I am happy to be the seed of your demise you think you can look in my face and say I am sorry to hear that your going to be very sorry when the masses find out.

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