It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Lets talk about Chief McManus using his SAPD cruiser for personnel use.

I can't even count how many times I have seen Chief McManus' SAPD cruiser taking a child to school near Woodlawn and Main st.
Is that personnel use of the city owned vehicle? Are you suppose to be using that vehicle for personnel use? And as I said before this man thinks he can do whatever he wants I have not even touched on the embezzlement of the retirement fund and the two officers with the evidence had to move to New York because that is what a criminal McManus is don't worry dear I will be getting deep into that and I will also be touching on why those two officers were in fear for their lives because you are a monster and I too am in fear of my life. How many just like me and them are there McManus? how many lives do you threaten on a daily or annual basis. The moment we stand up and say you will not take our civil rights away from us and you will not get away with breaking the law you threaten our lives and you send your dirty amoral officers at us you are sick I will be over joyed to stop you and I promise I will be stopping you and the obese Joe Trevino will be going with you.

Joe Trevino is in charge of Public Affairs correct? So the image of SAPD is an over weight obese man you can't even tuck in his shirt due to excessive Lipids. So Chief that is what you want this city and nation to see, SAPD is lazy and obese well good job because you put that man in the public eye and that is exactly what the public is seeing, smooth move ex-lax.

The families of the victims of the Dallas shootings will be informed that in my opinion (and I am sure others will agree), those shootings happened because of dirty officers like Chief McManus and Officer A. Flores. When men like these become apart of law enforcement and they are breaking laws, partaking in harassment, violating the civil rights of citizens, threatening good officers to do things against their own moral compasses, and so much more evil doings I am not privy to at this time then you can bet that the general public will stand up and fight back and say NO MORE!!!
Of course the shooter was unstable and he was wrong but what prompted all this to happen was the fact that our rights are being violated by men like Chief McManus and the Castro Brothers and good officers died, officers who probably never committed crimes as ugly as the ones that chief McManus has committed. It is in my opinion the dirty officers like this man that is causing the shootings of good cops who actually care about protecting and serving and you can bet if we allow him and other dirty law enforcement officers to violate the constitution more shootings will take place. It needs to stop and I will do everything in my power including giving those families an opportunity to build a panel of representatives to confront McManus.

I am also going to make sure y children get the same opportunity to confront the man that destroyed our family and caused them to have to live with an abusive man that was removed from our family home by CPS you will own the pain you have caused three small children and this city will know the monster you are.

1 comment:

  1. Gee you have only sent two officers to harass me congressman Castro is better at manipulating your officers than you are you really should resign.
