It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, November 20, 2017

kimberly pompa Minion through October and November

Kimberly Pompa who I thought was my friend was actually helping my enemies to attack me. On October 19th she said she would meet me at her apartment at 9am. When I was walking to her apartment I was chased and harassed by 12 different vehicles trying to flush me to Kimberly’s apartment she was not there and she had no intentions of being there. This was all a set up by San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and the Castro Brothers. Kimberly and I ran into each other again and offered me a place to stay again. Coincidentally when I ran into Kimberly again I was riding with a minion named Erinie and he insisted on going to that Valero to get me a drink and I had not asked to. The following day I went to Kimberly’s apartment. It was clear she had been instructed to keep me in her apartment in an effort to keep me from computers and talking to Senators and Congress. At on point Kimberly was trying to figure out how to move the rest of her things to her apartment I suggested I could help and she just gave me a look like that was not an option because she agreed to keep me in the apartment away from computers. When Kimberly was in her apartment from the prior house it took only one day before she was using drugs again. Kimberly had said odd things to me that only my enemies knew. She was making it obvious she was in contact

she made it obvious she was in contact with my enemies with the things she was saying. She was using the same lines as all other minions like threatening me that if anything was out of place to would out in the cold. She made stupid excuses like her landlord may come in unannounced of course it was a lie that never did happen and would never happen. Kimberly became paranoid someone was in her phone. Of course this was not paranoia at all someone was in fact in her phone monitoring the block of instruction she was receiving from my enemies; the FBI and CIA I was careful not to tell her this because I want to play this out and see what they were planning to do with this puppet. She did some ridiculous things like accusing me of getting in her pills and no such thing happened. She accused me of stealing a pair of jeans. She knew that my bag had been stolen by my enemies before I ever told her. She contacted that person she was communicating with to ask if the jeans were in the bag they had stolen from me. She had been talking ill of me at the prior house and the staff are now telling tall tails that I had been taking meds when I stayed there and I only took antibiotics. She became very nervous when I talked about filing a report against them for this and she also shared she was still communicating with Rhonda Bradshaw. On the evening that I was feeling very down and pleading with those listening in that I could go on with my bait duties any longer; Kimberly watched me like a hawk. It was as if she was watching to see if someone was coming to pick me up from her apartment I am sure this was by instruction. Last Thursday Kimberly was instructed to leave me in Devine stranded with no way to go anywhere. She didn’t get this done until yesterday evening.  On Thursday when it was originally suppose to happen she was with her kids and she didn’t seem to mind they might understand what she was doing that is what kind of person she is. Every time I tried leaving her home to seek out a library there was always an excuse to keep me there. 
Kimberly was constantly saying that all she had she did her self….It was a very untrue statement. She was handed everything she had on silver platter by the VA. She didn’t anything much at all it was given. 
It really sends the message that veterans who break laws and abuse drugs are rewarded for this. When i was offered all these grants and an apartment with household it was all taken from me when the Castro brothers made a call or two and these things were withdrawn from me.

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