It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, November 27, 2017

Pick your victims wisely

It took me a minute or to see clearly that the Castro Brothers and all those they sucked into this situation had a common objective....Get Dawn to break and have an emotional break.
For me it is hard to reason why it would benefit them that I have an emotional break long after Officer Flores was attempting to break in my home and kill me.
After all wouldn't it stand to reason to the masses that someone in that situation may actually have an emotional break? Would we be able to gather experts to say this situation would cause a perfectly healthy person to break, emotionally or in any other capacity? What good would it do them to have me break down after the fact? A break down would make the consequences of what they have done worse I think .....don't they see this common sense fact? Does anybody wonder why I do not view them as being very smart? WELL there's more reasons.

The victim they ex-husband is a pathological liar and you would have to be blind to not notice. My guess is they were in way too deep and too many laws had been broken for them to pull out most especially Tamer Morsi(passports really you had a US Marshall searching my home for make believe passports, then you had LT. Chebowski believing your lies about what kind of person I was and mother, thank god he is smarter than you),  no matter the lies my ex-husband had told that began to surface during their attacks they continued with their endeavours. NOT SMART.
I believe they are guilty of viewing the world according to their own triggers and shortcomings. Perhaps all they did was an effort to hit my triggers. Funny thing about triggers when you become aware that they are there and that they may cause you issues in your pursuit to live a healthy whole fruitful life you tend to what to fix and heal those triggers. You sit down with yourself and you peel the onion and get to the core of the trigger to get ride of it, and break that old tape playing. It's obvious that the Castro Brothers and their friends know nothing about this and how people adapt and overcome; that makes me wonder if they are unable to do this in their own lives. Perhaps this is what makes them so very unteachable. I had a trigger; I became very upset and emotionally wounded when I had been solicited for the first time in 2014 however I dealt with it and overcame the upset. Now it sometimes makes me angry and these people involved in this game have not yet learned that upsetting me is never good for anyone. You certainly will not be achieving the emotional break you are hoping for.
Emotional intelligence is not something human beings are born with it is something we learn and the same with common sense it has to be taught. Rhythm is another thing all together we can be born with or without this. Unfortunately I was not born with rhythm which caused my father huge amounts of frustration over the years and my first drill sergeant almost lost his mind due to this inadequacy I possessed. It's hard to march in step when you have the proper skills to do and when you are left short of rhythm it is so much harder. I struggled to stay in step and every part of my body had to stay in step. Some of the women I was in training with didn't nearly as much as I did.
Drill Sergeant England was a tough cookie and to this day I am not sure if he was trying to get me to ring the bell or trying to get me to be proficient at drill and ceremony. England was a airborne ranger who was an honor grand, basically a tough hard core solider and an honor guard goes way over board with drill and ceremony lucky me. SNAP SNAP.   He was saying my name daily, he was pulling me out of formation, dropping me in the middle of formation and marching all other soldiers over top of me while in the prone position. Think about the weapons and boots that were hitting me; Sorry Neering, Opps Sorry Neering, Oh poor Neering......the old Army allowed for us to be singled out and I am lucky I didn't get a blanket party because one of my fellow soldiers did.  I learned rhythm in the nick of time with the help of my comrades who had the ability to teach and guide me. There was no way England was ever going to get me to ring that bell, I made the army a decision when I 15 years old and I was doing it if it killed me. That's one of many stories and reasons you won't break me.
You sick people think it odd and frustrating that you can't break me and get me to have an emotional melt down? You just don't know what you are dealing with and apparently it is more than you have to bring to the table because I have watched you people break down and have angry outbursts. When your having your angry outbursts you have done the dumbest things I have ever seen. You know nothing of the art of war.
You are unteachable; you took all the very personnel things I shared with Mr. Rice and you think you can use them to touch on sensitive areas in my life; triggers. Those are things I experienced they are over you heal from those events you allow them to make you grow into the person GOD intends you to be. How does your minds work to think that something that happen to me more than 20 years ago could possible cause me disharmony today? OK granted there are those who push it down rather than pulling it to the surface and dealing with it. I am not one of those persons sorry.
 Did anyone ever think that Mr. Rice was told any fables?
It to this day it amazes me that you are so very unteachable you continue to do the same things over and over again in an effort to hurt me or cause my break it isn't working and quiet in fact you are getting just the opposite effect with many loosing jobs and relationships ...yet with this at hand you keep repeating your mistakes. WOW

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