It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

So this police chief was removed from duty what will happen to McManus

Hillard Heintze

Lets go ahead and get a second opinion and a deeper look at what the chief thinks is OK to do with SAPD and what orders he is giving his officers in the attack on victims to cover crimes

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Call from the Chief's office

So I did receive a call from an employee of the Chief's office and sorry can't remember his name.

He confirmed that SGT Gilliam is no longer working in the Chief's office. So why just two hours ago did I have the young woman working the front desk at headquarters telling me that it would be SGT Gilliam contacting me from the Chief's office? Who is lying?

I feel that I should be told where this man is considering he threatened me and I do not feel safe.

He was there at the statue removal thing at Travis Park and he was defiantly still a staff member of the Chief's Office at that time and in fact they sent him into my general vicinity in the hope I may confront him and be loud. When you all thought you were setting me up for failure in the hopes I would be rude, loud, and possibly threatening who do you suppose was watching?
And please explain to me what I would have to gain by even having a civil conversation with this man let alone having an uncivilized conversation with this man? I assure you there was nothing for me to gain.

I don't think SGT Gilliam is no longer working there because when I was locked in my home and I called to talk to him after they finally stopped Flores from returning to my home I was told Gilliam was out of the office right after I had been lied to and told FBI had removed him from his position because they were using their lovely gas lighting techniques to confuse me and it worked for a minute it isn't going to work now Chief and it doesn't matter if you removed that man let me remind you of Martinez and Kasberg that you sent to my home yourself. They were repeating over and over again that you sent them yourself and they were boasting about being your right hand men. That's what you told them to get them to violate policies,procedures and the oath they took as they followed unlawful orders.
You think you are working yourself towards plausible deniability and that ship sailed when those two officers stood in my living room calling you telling you that I did not answer any of the questions correctly and they couldn't take me do to the answers I gave. Then Kasberg said to Martinez "The Chief just said we have to take her in and we are taking her to behavioral health".

November 28th and 27th

Chief McManus told me on Friday that he would be calling me on Monday November 27th of course the call never happened. Before he said he would call he told me to call his office of course I have done this many times since I was first locked in my house because a police officer was trying to kill me. I never got him or SGT. Gilliam on the phone just excuses and yesterday and today when I called the Chief's office once again I was unable to get either of these men on the phone.
Monday at approx. 1400 hours I went to headquarters to talk to the chief and the young man working the desk was placed on hold for more than 6 minutes when he finally was able to talk to someone they said that the Chief was not even in his office. Why would it take more than six minutes to find out the Chief was not in the building?
Today I was at headquarters at approximately 0900 hours and the same young man told me that I need an appointment and that yesterday they informed him I did not have an appointment. I informed him that it was the Chief himself that told me to talk to him on Monday and that conversation was recorded. He told me that he would call me himself and that is recorded. Low and behold he never called and he refused to see me when I went in. I sat waiting anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes at which time I was typing to myself into my phone.
I was upset with the young man at the desk because he had been rude and cold, so I worked through it and decided not to take it personally because chances are he probably gets reamed and ripped apart when calling the Chiefs office for people who walk in off the street. Although I am not someone simply walking in off the street I had an invitation. However this young man doesn't know that nor does he understand my story, in an effort for self preservation I can not say I wouldn't do the same as him.
After my long wait a young lady called me up to the window and amazingly enough she repeated my own words in my face. Well you have to understand there are millions of people in this city and he can not respond to all those people who walk in here off the street. Gee how very coincidental that is what I had just typed into my phone. Thanks for the confirmation Chief I knew you were in my phone but you just had the audacity to use my own words back at me. I am pretty sure your station in life is much higher than mine yet you are using my words. I do enjoy all this spoon feeding I am doing for you. 
Then she informed me that the Sergeant would be calling me back. THE Sergeant? I knew she was referring to Gilliam the man who did this to me with the Chief's consent. (I love micro expressions), I told her that it was the Chief who said he would talk to me himself, and it was the Chief who ordered officers to do the things they have done to me and it is up to him to own what has done. Well the Chief can't talk to everyone.
Well i am not everyone I am the one who's life he ruined to cover his crimes and the crimes of his officers. Then it accrued to me how many of me are out there? How many victims who have suffered similar fates do to the law breaking and amoral ways of the Chief? I want to know.....I will find out ...
Then his female officer told me that it would probably be SGT Gilliam that would be calling.
I came to SAC and was circled by two officers when I got here and before coming to the blog I called the Chief's office to save SGT Gilliam the trouble of calling. The woman in the Chief's office I talked to told me that SGT Gilliam is now working in another area. It sounded like to me that SGT Gilliam is no longer working in the Chief's Office. So why did the female officer at headquarters tell me that it probably would be SGT Gilliam and now I am being told SGT Gilliam no longer works in the Chief's office? Anyone find that strange.
Why does it take 15 to 20 minutes for the staff at headquarters to figure out that the Chief is in a meeting and he is supposedly not in the building?  Is the Chief Office that large that the staff can not look around and see weather or not the man is in the Office anyone else finding this strange?

Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27th

At approximately noon college police was sent towards me
The same worn out tactics can we try something new chief?

Pick your victims wisely

It took me a minute or to see clearly that the Castro Brothers and all those they sucked into this situation had a common objective....Get Dawn to break and have an emotional break.
For me it is hard to reason why it would benefit them that I have an emotional break long after Officer Flores was attempting to break in my home and kill me.
After all wouldn't it stand to reason to the masses that someone in that situation may actually have an emotional break? Would we be able to gather experts to say this situation would cause a perfectly healthy person to break, emotionally or in any other capacity? What good would it do them to have me break down after the fact? A break down would make the consequences of what they have done worse I think .....don't they see this common sense fact? Does anybody wonder why I do not view them as being very smart? WELL there's more reasons.

The victim they ex-husband is a pathological liar and you would have to be blind to not notice. My guess is they were in way too deep and too many laws had been broken for them to pull out most especially Tamer Morsi(passports really you had a US Marshall searching my home for make believe passports, then you had LT. Chebowski believing your lies about what kind of person I was and mother, thank god he is smarter than you),  no matter the lies my ex-husband had told that began to surface during their attacks they continued with their endeavours. NOT SMART.
I believe they are guilty of viewing the world according to their own triggers and shortcomings. Perhaps all they did was an effort to hit my triggers. Funny thing about triggers when you become aware that they are there and that they may cause you issues in your pursuit to live a healthy whole fruitful life you tend to what to fix and heal those triggers. You sit down with yourself and you peel the onion and get to the core of the trigger to get ride of it, and break that old tape playing. It's obvious that the Castro Brothers and their friends know nothing about this and how people adapt and overcome; that makes me wonder if they are unable to do this in their own lives. Perhaps this is what makes them so very unteachable. I had a trigger; I became very upset and emotionally wounded when I had been solicited for the first time in 2014 however I dealt with it and overcame the upset. Now it sometimes makes me angry and these people involved in this game have not yet learned that upsetting me is never good for anyone. You certainly will not be achieving the emotional break you are hoping for.
Emotional intelligence is not something human beings are born with it is something we learn and the same with common sense it has to be taught. Rhythm is another thing all together we can be born with or without this. Unfortunately I was not born with rhythm which caused my father huge amounts of frustration over the years and my first drill sergeant almost lost his mind due to this inadequacy I possessed. It's hard to march in step when you have the proper skills to do and when you are left short of rhythm it is so much harder. I struggled to stay in step and every part of my body had to stay in step. Some of the women I was in training with didn't nearly as much as I did.
Drill Sergeant England was a tough cookie and to this day I am not sure if he was trying to get me to ring the bell or trying to get me to be proficient at drill and ceremony. England was a airborne ranger who was an honor grand, basically a tough hard core solider and an honor guard goes way over board with drill and ceremony lucky me. SNAP SNAP.   He was saying my name daily, he was pulling me out of formation, dropping me in the middle of formation and marching all other soldiers over top of me while in the prone position. Think about the weapons and boots that were hitting me; Sorry Neering, Opps Sorry Neering, Oh poor Neering......the old Army allowed for us to be singled out and I am lucky I didn't get a blanket party because one of my fellow soldiers did.  I learned rhythm in the nick of time with the help of my comrades who had the ability to teach and guide me. There was no way England was ever going to get me to ring that bell, I made the army a decision when I 15 years old and I was doing it if it killed me. That's one of many stories and reasons you won't break me.
You sick people think it odd and frustrating that you can't break me and get me to have an emotional melt down? You just don't know what you are dealing with and apparently it is more than you have to bring to the table because I have watched you people break down and have angry outbursts. When your having your angry outbursts you have done the dumbest things I have ever seen. You know nothing of the art of war.
You are unteachable; you took all the very personnel things I shared with Mr. Rice and you think you can use them to touch on sensitive areas in my life; triggers. Those are things I experienced they are over you heal from those events you allow them to make you grow into the person GOD intends you to be. How does your minds work to think that something that happen to me more than 20 years ago could possible cause me disharmony today? OK granted there are those who push it down rather than pulling it to the surface and dealing with it. I am not one of those persons sorry.
 Did anyone ever think that Mr. Rice was told any fables?
It to this day it amazes me that you are so very unteachable you continue to do the same things over and over again in an effort to hurt me or cause my break it isn't working and quiet in fact you are getting just the opposite effect with many loosing jobs and relationships ...yet with this at hand you keep repeating your mistakes. WOW

CPS Energy employee helping the Castro Brothers

I have been having trouble with CPS billing since January 2015 and I have continuously visited the San Pedro office and the corp office to clear these matters up. I knew full well that they could look at my accounts and see which of their employees had been touching my account for more than two years and making paid bills pop up as unpaid.


Guardian House I have had nothing but negative issues with the Guardian House since arriving in Texas

The members of San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Lets talk about Chief McManus using his SAPD cruiser for personnel use.

I can't even count how many times I have seen Chief McManus' SAPD cruiser taking a child to school near Woodlawn and Main st.
Is that personnel use of the city owned vehicle? Are you suppose to be using that vehicle for personnel use? And as I said before this man thinks he can do whatever he wants I have not even touched on the embezzlement of the retirement fund and the two officers with the evidence had to move to New York because that is what a criminal McManus is don't worry dear I will be getting deep into that and I will also be touching on why those two officers were in fear for their lives because you are a monster and I too am in fear of my life. How many just like me and them are there McManus? how many lives do you threaten on a daily or annual basis. The moment we stand up and say you will not take our civil rights away from us and you will not get away with breaking the law you threaten our lives and you send your dirty amoral officers at us you are sick I will be over joyed to stop you and I promise I will be stopping you and the obese Joe Trevino will be going with you.

Joe Trevino is in charge of Public Affairs correct? So the image of SAPD is an over weight obese man you can't even tuck in his shirt due to excessive Lipids. So Chief that is what you want this city and nation to see, SAPD is lazy and obese well good job because you put that man in the public eye and that is exactly what the public is seeing, smooth move ex-lax.

The families of the victims of the Dallas shootings will be informed that in my opinion (and I am sure others will agree), those shootings happened because of dirty officers like Chief McManus and Officer A. Flores. When men like these become apart of law enforcement and they are breaking laws, partaking in harassment, violating the civil rights of citizens, threatening good officers to do things against their own moral compasses, and so much more evil doings I am not privy to at this time then you can bet that the general public will stand up and fight back and say NO MORE!!!
Of course the shooter was unstable and he was wrong but what prompted all this to happen was the fact that our rights are being violated by men like Chief McManus and the Castro Brothers and good officers died, officers who probably never committed crimes as ugly as the ones that chief McManus has committed. It is in my opinion the dirty officers like this man that is causing the shootings of good cops who actually care about protecting and serving and you can bet if we allow him and other dirty law enforcement officers to violate the constitution more shootings will take place. It needs to stop and I will do everything in my power including giving those families an opportunity to build a panel of representatives to confront McManus.

I am also going to make sure y children get the same opportunity to confront the man that destroyed our family and caused them to have to live with an abusive man that was removed from our family home by CPS you will own the pain you have caused three small children and this city will know the monster you are.

Emails to the Mayors Office that won't get any attention and will not even warrant a return email

When I email all other Mayors office across the country those mayors answer however my own mayors' office does not answer. 

The mayor and many council members have been informed of what the Chief of Police and the Castro Brothers are conspiring in and they continue to ignore the issue you can bet there will be many more victims in this city if they are allowed to continue with their law breaking ways

Chief McManus pretending to be oblivious to what is happening in his office and on his force. Sorry dear you are still responsible the captain always goes down with the ship

Chief McManus and the Castro Brothers have a lot in common just stand there and act like you don't know what you did or what is wrong with harassment and criminal solicitation. 
At the lighting ceremony Joe Trevino got in my face asking why I was taking pictures of the autos clear cut harassment. I told him I have the right to do so that's why. And yet another officer acting like he doesn't know who I am so you didn't read the ten emails I sent to you? You don't do your job? Surprise-Surprise. Why are you so concerned about the pictures Joe? You know exactly who I am and what my objective is. Was that Congressman Castro that just called you?

I love the way these men walk around thinking they can do what ever they want.  Show this city and nation you are too inadequate for the job go ahead and pretend you don't know who I am and you don't know the torturous hell you have put me through. First your lying you are the one ordering officers to follow and stalk me you are the one who had two officers follow me all the way to Waco Texas. If there wasn't evidence and testimonies to this perhaps your dumb routine might work aside from the fact that you are responsible for what happens in your office and in your department so claiming you are innocent and you just don't know isn't going to work you are very much responsible and you will go down with the ship. 
I love the way these men walk around thinking they can do what ever they want. Chief McManus the FBI already took over SAPD officers I watched them do it two days ago your position is already over time to wake up and smell the roses walk around acting like you don't know what is happening and show this city and nation you are too inadequate for the job. 

I just spoke with Chief McManus who acted as if he does not know who I am. He had some lovely micro expressions that said other wise. Yes I enjoy that micro expressions of fear but don't take my word for it I will up load the video and you can view for yourself. He says he will call Monday morning what and will that phone call make six months of torture, harassment, all my losses go away. I don't think so you will see in the video I told I lost everything ...did he dig in his pocket book no of course not you keep claiming you don't happening on your force and career is over or we can look all the evidence of you send your officers harass stalk and terrorize me and your career is still I am happy to be the seed of your demise you think you can look in my face and say I am sorry to hear that your going to be very sorry when the masses find out.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

LA Fitness not about customer satisfaction

Can someone tell me why LA Fitness is unable to see how wrong what their staff did to me to help 0902 and the Castro Brothers attack me. Shouldn't I receive some sort of curtiousy or redemption for the violation of my rights and the serious threat to my health and well being?

Finding work

I have applied to three other restaurants lets all watch and see as the Castro Brothers make phone calls telling these businesses that I am unemployable for the various reasons they pull from thin air.

Original Mexican Restaurant

I was employed by the Original last year and I enjoyed working with them. You will see in this blog how members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign sending their members into the restaurant to harass me. Also each time I would be working outside I would see various individuals taking pictures of me for no good reason.
While I worked there I saw signs of management singling me out and treating me in an odd and unfair manner, at the time I wrote it off as immature behavior by young people but during reflection it looks as though the Castro Brothers and their friends were influencing this behavior.
Early this year I was sowt out by the staff of the Original to come back to work. I always intended on going back and was about to do so when I was locked in my house by Officer Flores' unstable behavior.
Today I went back to the original to regain my previous employment and was rejected. Sanchez the manager seemed to know I did not have my social security card before he even asked for that information. Of course the Castro Brothers know I do not have it considering the fact they are the ones who sent one of their minions to steel it from me.
Mr Sanchez said that he does not feel that I am employable and he even went so far as to say that he is fully staffed for the holidays. What he doesn't know is that I talked to one of his currant staff who told me they are short staffed and hiring at this time. It's obvious I am being rejected do to phone calls made by the Castro Brothers.


Suicide Attempt at Salvation Army November 21st at 2300 2017

There was a tragedy at the Salvation army on  Tuesday evening at 2300 November 21st. One of the lady attempted to take her life by jumping from the interstate. The staff member attempted to stop her and talk her down but she was unable to do so. Now I think by this day and age it is common knowledge that suicide rates double during the holidays and the very least we should be treating each other with extra kindness and empathy at the very least.
The paramedics and police were notified and the Director then came in.
The director; who's name I believe is Roxanne not that she has ever formerly introduced herself to the women staying at the salvation army, this woman came in and announced that everyone needed to stop praying. Yes that is right a christian organization claiming to do the most good says the residences were not allowed to pray for our fellow resident being rushed to the hospital. Then Roxanne proceeded to walk through the bay, carrying herself like a drill sergeant yelling at people and creating an environment that causes people to walk on glass and eggshells. She made the statement that she would kick anybody out for not complying to her rule; I am guessing that would be the stop praying loud announcement. Let me remind everyone that this is thanksgiving week and it is cold outside. Does this sound like someone with compassion and empathy for those in need?
You see these women at the salvation army are not emotionally, physically, or mentally healthy and those things contribute to the fact that they are in need. The Salvation Army thinks they can run this shelter as if it is the US Army with the iron fist. There is a very good reason that our armed forces do not take unhealthy individuals for enlistment they simply will not hold up under the pressure.
Here is another fact that should not go unsaid; when our military drill sergeants break us down and rip apart our old bad habits they then rebuild us and put us back together a new and confident solider you will withstand the adversity of war. The staff of the Salvation Army rip these women apart robbing the women of self worth and self confidence, they do not then rebuild them again.
Just this morning a kitchen staff member was corrected by one of the residents and asked kindly to address her with respect that staff member made the loud bold statement that she does not give a shit. Yes she swore. Welcome to the new christian ways here in San Antonio.
Another staff member who has earned her rights of being disliked by all is Rebecca and she has been with the salvation army for 18 years. This woman is very mean to put it dimly or to make an understatement. She yells at people, she does not talk to people she has no respect for these women and she displays an inability to show or experience empathy.  Rebecca was trifling through a residents belongings last Friday looking for a disinfectant spray bottle. This spray bottle had been turned into the office and then Rebecca proceeded to loose the spray bottle and instead of owning her mistake she walked through the shelter yelling about about the bottle she misplaced, forcing everyone to own her mistake. When the resident who was being violated by Rebecca protested and said she turned it in Rebecca screamed and said no you didn't. Weather she did or did not there is a clear cut way to talk to people and carry yourself in a professional manner and Rebecca has an inability to do so. The hand book states the salvation army does not deny new residents the ability to wash their clothes yet Rebecca denied two residents this ability on Monday. I guess when you have been with the organization for 18 years you can do what ever you please, and isn't sad to think that this woman doesn't want to treat people in a dignified manner?
If this isn't enough of a transitivity then the fact the director Roxanne and Joe are telling these women there is no help for rapid rehousing because they have no funds in their accounts. The funds are put in their accounts every fiscal year like clock work. When is the fiscal year? This is a non-profit and their finical records are by law suppose to be available for viewing by any member of the public.
There is a resident at the Salvation Army who is near a suicidal state because the Salvation Army refuses to grant her rapid rehousing if she does not have a job. This resident receives SSI and because of her percentage of disability she is not allowed to work without loosing her SSI benefits and I would really like the Salvation Army to explain why they would play games with this woman who is not emotionally inept to deal with the lies and the rejection they are placing on her. It is very hard for these women to watch the salvation give some apartments and rapid rehousing while others are rejected, and from where I am standing it looks as though they are being rejected based on favoritism. If you are going to reject people then you should just be honest about it and stop lying saying there are no funds in your accounts. Lying is the Christian way right?
One last thing before I step into the realm of petty and trite; these directors have received phone calls from a certain Political figure informing them that there was a woman coming to them for services and he then asked that she be treated in a particularly unkind manner; the details of his requests I don't really know. Yes the staff did comply with this politician and the fact that her name was even said and their was an exchange of information about this woman is a clear cut violation of the privacy act of 1974. This is how the Salvation Army does their bidding.
There are wonderful staff members who do an awesome job and I do not mean to take away or undermine their wonderful work and I will be sure to commend them and loudly bless them I promise.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Isaac Cardenas May 1st 2014 and then he continued well into the years

I was here less than a week and Isaac Cardenas followed me offered me a ride asked if I would have sex for money and the following morning he was sitting outside the hotel I was staying at. I was talking to Greg on the phone and he was on his way to the Hotel --the relax inn on Roosevelt ave--I told him the man was sitting outside the hotel and he told me to call the cops acting innocent as if he didn't know who it was. He then immediately called Isaac Cardenas and told him I was calling Police and Isaac left. 
I had no idea who he was and that he founded the AIT SCAM non-profit and the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign non-profit it took months before I learned this. 
Think about the kind of man that would chase and stalk a woman who came to San Antonio with nothing knowing no body so she could fight for her children. This is a very sick man. 
He asked me while I was in his pick up truck if I had came here to steal my children and leave the state? That is the lye Gregory Marshall was telling all his pals. I told Isaac at that time I needed to rebuild myself get an attorney and go to a court of law. Even after this man was informed that I was going to do everything I had to do for my children in a perfectly legal manner as I walked firmly in line with my good book he continued to stalk and harass me. He followed me and then began sending several young men to follow me all over the city. His employee Ramon Vasquez sent his father and son on mothers day following me around. 
These men were desperately trying to find me guilty of things like shop lifting and prostitution. I am shocked they did not send anyone at me for jay walking. Even if I had a slip here or there of not being completely righteous I know I will never have committed any sort of serious crimes like these men have been doing for years. 
I am thoroughly convinced that I am not the only mother that has been attacked in this manner but I vow to make sure that no other mother will ever be attacked in this manner again by these men or any other. 
It is sad for me to see and be forced to except the reality that there are so many Non-profits in the city of San Antonio claiming to provide services that improve and help the community and what they are doing is breaking laws and hurting and crippling the community.    

Monday, November 20, 2017

My Nieces the cousins my children don't get to see

Castro Brothers hurt everyone 

My children don't get to do this to grandma or mom


Surprise surprise my nieces and nephews are BROWN your the only ones who are prejudice 

Agent McSneaky want my family back

Agent McSneaky I want to see my kids now

Hope House Ministries Complaint

Here's is the amassing thing this is not the first time the Castro Brothers have done this and because they have gotten away with it so many times they just keep doing it. I was locked in my home with no food as Flores returned night after night attempting to gain entry to shoot me and on July 18th I went to church on Blanco rd to use their food pantry and they were called and told to shut the pantry which they did do. These men were literally trying to starve me to death to cover their crimes.

Watch closely as these complaints disappear as if they were never filed I promise the Castro Brothers won't disappoint they have been doing this for years.

Hope House Ministries

On November 17th the hope house ministries received a phone call from my ex-husband and the Castro Brothers telling the staff to not provide services to me as I walked two miles to their location in need of their services. Their phone did not have a professional recording when I phoned it and I attempted to reach someone via phone for two days constantly. I arrived at Hope House ministries November 20th at 1120 and the staff member said she was shutting the home and ministries services for the rest of the day and she would not be giving me services I was in need of. She told me repetitively that the owner said she could I never asked if the owner said she could nor did I want that information when a person is volunteering information in this manner it is a sign they are lying and it is also a sign of guilt. I was standing on the back porch when she informed me what she was doing in an effort to help the Castro Brothers attack me and how hard would it been for her to do the right thing and provide the services I needed and then close for the day? This organization claims to be a christian organization and they are doing bidding for SAPD Officers and the Castro Brothers whom are guilty of Official Oppression. I feel it is worthy to note that CAM was contacted in the same manner by the same people however CAM ministries still provided services in a christian manner. I will be informing the entire city what Hope House Ministries is really all about and it is not being Christians providing services to this community it is all about false advertisement and violating the privacy act of 1974

It is clearly listed on their door they are open from 11am to 1pm for services Monday through Friday this is false advertisement, I have been there several times when no one is there to provide services and today she was closing the door in my face at 1120am

And now that I have completed the BBB complaint against this organization you can bet the Castro Brothers will be on the phone to BBB telling them not to honor the complaint because that is what they do and they have done this very thing with BBB for the last three years. They talk to a young lady by the name of Martinez in Austin and she complys and throws the complaints on the floor for the Castro Brothers.

Well you better call the Attorney General and secretary of state too get busy criminals

I went back to Hope House Ministries I took a homeless man he needed clothing and food. I knew they wouldn’t help me but I thought they would at least help this man. I volunteered my time for the day hanging clothes and cleaning. I talked to Ref Ed he was talking to Julian Castro and Joaquin Castro the entire time I was there. He told me to come back the next day and he would help me get my birth certificate and social security card so I could get back to work and take care of myself. (these things were stolen from me by a minion sent by the Castro Brothers here at the college more than a year ago). Ed was not there the next day and he never had any intention of being there I was being set up for failure by the Castro Brothers they had the braineyack idea that if I suffered enough rejection I would suffer a nervous break down. They are too stupid to understand that they would be held accountable for my nervous break down in their sick minds if I have a nervous break down they can get away with all their crimes claiming I was never mentally fit.  It is the Castro Brothers who are not mentally fit. 

Salvation Army November 13th to 20th

The Salvation Army was contacted long before I got there on November 13th and even though it clearly states in their policies and procedures that each member gets a blanket and towel I did not receive these items. Gee they were all out with all the donations and grant monies this organization can not seem to supply the items listed in their hand book? It was so very evident what was happening when I watched towels and blankets being handed to other members.
I thought Rebecca was having a bad day on November 15th as she screamed at me across the mess hall telling me I was not allowed to take coffee out of the dinning hall. I was no where near the exit and I was trying to get to my table to drink the coffee when I was verbally accosted.
November 17th once another staff member in the mess hall verbally accosting me yelling I can't take food from the dinning hall. Isn't it odd that I watched three members leave before me taking their food with them. Yes this staff member was aware that they were taking items out of the mess hall as the cameras will revel. This staff member was giving me the evil eye from the moment I walked in and as I attempted to converse with her she was not cordial and polite not even professional in the least.
Once again we have an organization claiming to help the community claiming to be Christians and what they is the co-hearts of the Castro Brothers helping these men to commit official oppression and to single out a woman they have been attacking for years.  When phone calls and text messages were being sent to these employees instructing them to attack me and attempt to find me guilty of violating rules that I simply was not violating. I am sure it will not be hard to get copies and records of these communications and see the Dirty SAPD officers and Castro Brothers in action. My civil rights are violated all over this city and it will be announced. I will not go quietly into the night and I will be asking the Salvation Army publicly why they think it is ok to violate the privacy act of 1974 along with many other crimes they committed.

The calls to CAM ministries will not go unnoticed

I am well aware you called CAM ministries and told the older gentleman at the desk that he should not help me based on the fact I do not have a drivers' license or any photo ID, of I don't because you dirty SAPD officers and the Castro Brothers have all my IDs.
I was able to get their help with a little struggle perhaps you would like to call CAM back and scold them for helping me. Perhaps the Castro Brothers and their friends the dirty SAPD officers would like to crucify CAM for adhering to their mission statement and helping those in need.
Your being watched and all is being recorded and you will be judged you just remember my lord is so much bigger than you and your evil.

November 3rd 2017 at the San Antonio College Campus at approximently 0715

Stole everything I had
45 minutes ago members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign followed me and when I sat down at a picinic table I fell asleep because I have been awake for three days. They took my bag from me and that is the remainder of my possession drivers license ssn card glass to do this personnel hygiene change of clothes and the most important was the journals that documented every step I have made since this began. It had a list of license plate numbers and names of everyone involved. It docu. days and times. 
I can’t even go to a food pantry without a drivers license so I am very literally done I throw in the towel they keep doing these things to me and getting away with it I can’t get ahead of them and I can’t get help or justice.
It is obvious they were following me all evening and when they had a dozen minions coming at me four days prior to this it is now obvious they were trying to get my bag and all my journals. A little more than a month ago they sent a man named John at me working at a Subway he too was trying to get my bag that had the journals in it. Well just think all your effort and stress and strain too bad I took pictures of my journals and sent them to FBI all your effort for nothing. 
I do enjoy that Kimberly Pompa was dumb enough to let the cat out of the bag sending out emails asking what was in the bag you took from me. Just like all other criminals that are caught you will be caught because of the people you surround yourself by. 

kimberly pompa Minion through October and November

Kimberly Pompa who I thought was my friend was actually helping my enemies to attack me. On October 19th she said she would meet me at her apartment at 9am. When I was walking to her apartment I was chased and harassed by 12 different vehicles trying to flush me to Kimberly’s apartment she was not there and she had no intentions of being there. This was all a set up by San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and the Castro Brothers. Kimberly and I ran into each other again and offered me a place to stay again. Coincidentally when I ran into Kimberly again I was riding with a minion named Erinie and he insisted on going to that Valero to get me a drink and I had not asked to. The following day I went to Kimberly’s apartment. It was clear she had been instructed to keep me in her apartment in an effort to keep me from computers and talking to Senators and Congress. At on point Kimberly was trying to figure out how to move the rest of her things to her apartment I suggested I could help and she just gave me a look like that was not an option because she agreed to keep me in the apartment away from computers. When Kimberly was in her apartment from the prior house it took only one day before she was using drugs again. Kimberly had said odd things to me that only my enemies knew. She was making it obvious she was in contact

she made it obvious she was in contact with my enemies with the things she was saying. She was using the same lines as all other minions like threatening me that if anything was out of place to would out in the cold. She made stupid excuses like her landlord may come in unannounced of course it was a lie that never did happen and would never happen. Kimberly became paranoid someone was in her phone. Of course this was not paranoia at all someone was in fact in her phone monitoring the block of instruction she was receiving from my enemies; the FBI and CIA I was careful not to tell her this because I want to play this out and see what they were planning to do with this puppet. She did some ridiculous things like accusing me of getting in her pills and no such thing happened. She accused me of stealing a pair of jeans. She knew that my bag had been stolen by my enemies before I ever told her. She contacted that person she was communicating with to ask if the jeans were in the bag they had stolen from me. She had been talking ill of me at the prior house and the staff are now telling tall tails that I had been taking meds when I stayed there and I only took antibiotics. She became very nervous when I talked about filing a report against them for this and she also shared she was still communicating with Rhonda Bradshaw. On the evening that I was feeling very down and pleading with those listening in that I could go on with my bait duties any longer; Kimberly watched me like a hawk. It was as if she was watching to see if someone was coming to pick me up from her apartment I am sure this was by instruction. Last Thursday Kimberly was instructed to leave me in Devine stranded with no way to go anywhere. She didn’t get this done until yesterday evening.  On Thursday when it was originally suppose to happen she was with her kids and she didn’t seem to mind they might understand what she was doing that is what kind of person she is. Every time I tried leaving her home to seek out a library there was always an excuse to keep me there. 
Kimberly was constantly saying that all she had she did her self….It was a very untrue statement. She was handed everything she had on silver platter by the VA. She didn’t anything much at all it was given. 
It really sends the message that veterans who break laws and abuse drugs are rewarded for this. When i was offered all these grants and an apartment with household it was all taken from me when the Castro brothers made a call or two and these things were withdrawn from me.