It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Eagan police department criminals

so finally the woman that works in the property room of the Eagan Police department sends a return email. telling me that she got rid of my things. when officer Ryan winegardner arrested me and put me in the jail unlawfully he told me that they would keep my things indefinitely as long as I was in the jail. this email and letter says that they sent letters to several addresses. where did they get several addresses I don't have several addresses what exactly is she talking about why is it so vague why didn't she document what she sent out and where she sent it out on what day did she send it out. why is it that she did not include letters that she sent out supposedly. where's the certified copy of the letters that she sent out and she supposed to legally send it certified mail where is that. this is the same crap they pulled in San Antonio Texas the police department decided all of a sudden they're only keeping people's things for 30 days. so if you're trapped in the jail whether you committed a crime or not and you don't have anybody on the outside to collect your property they destroy things like US currency. and by the way they never did an inventory of my things. in the police report that I have it says they never did an inventory of my things. I had about $1,000 in cash in my property. destroying US currency is a federal offense. you destroyed legal documents from an investigation that are considered evidence in a major investigation. that's called obstruction of justice it's also called collusion and it's called a felony. what I have in my possession right now is a giant lawsuit against Eagan police department and the city of Eagan. what I have right here is my nest egg because I am going to sue you from here to Kingdom come. I will not stop until you all are brought to Justice and the world knows why black lives matter protesting was started because of the crimes of Minnesota and the violations of people's civil rights. I'm here to tell all of you that the police officers and City officials through every city of Minnesota have not modified their behavior they have not stopped committing very serious crimes and violating people's constitutional and civil rights and here's the evidence right here. I'm going to make an example of this city because when I travel across this country and more cities like this dirty City think that they can grab me and put me in jail when I haven't committed a crime there's a lesson for all of you what will happen because I can cripple this city financially and I will

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