It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Truman show pay closer attention to this movie

Notice closely the lightening produced and storms produced. The travis church was hint by lighting that is how they have all that construction and new roof. Now you simple people how did that happen? Remember the snow in 2017 that was the year i was put on the streets when they hoped i would have a nervous break down. I grew up in the snow you morons. As i said before the members of intelligence are not very intelligent at all. See how cold it is now and this is not rain season for SA texas but see how much we are getting and the freezing weather? You think this is normal, pull your heads out of your butts and do some research there is nothing normal about this. Clouds for being produced to block the view and satellites and no one has any sense to notice something is off. Wow you people are brain dead look up stupid what do you see. 

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