It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, February 17, 2020

Paige Lewis talking to ex husband

Paige Lewis is a demon and there is no other way to describe the monster who abused her position. She did numerous inspections for no other reason than Gregory Marshall telling her to. This is how they were going to attack my daycare. She was writing me up for violations that did not exist she is a real piece of work.
See this email asking for my address this is more than a year after my daycare shut down and she has no legal right to asking for my address. She was doing this simply because Gregory Marshall called her and told her to do it. Wow she is so devoted to him and so willing to break the law when he asks. Why do you suppose a woman would be so obedient? THINK PEOPLE THINK.
He needed my address at that moment because him and his foreign agent attorney were trying to serve me with an injunction to the divorce I had just arrived in San Antonio to get an attorney and fight for my children and this was one of many ways to stop me. Tamer should have never been able to get a signature on that injunction first it was full of lies I was not guilty of any of things he said I did. Second he never served me and I did not know I needed to be in a court of law. As I said a dirty Judge. They were trying to get me served with the injunction after the dirty judge of bexar county signed it without letting me have a fair trial. All my constitional and civil rights were violated by all the idiots of the San Antonio Courts. They never served me with the injunction ever, everyone knows that a PPO and injunction are null and void if they are not served. Gregory Marshall kept watching around town saying he had a PPO NO HE MOST CERTAINLY DOES NOT. He gave it to the school systems and told them that it was a PPO no it is not. No one at the ISD had enough of a brain to see that it is not a PPO and they did not ask to see the process service that indicated I even knew such a thing existed. These are the half wits teaching how children.
Don't even get me started on the Department of Health and Human services employees that thinks it is OK to sleep with and take direction from a man that was removed from his family home because he was found to be a rapist and physically abusive to his children. Just bare that in mind and now take a good look at how mentally ill page lewis is.

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