It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Lexington and St. Mary's

There is a high rise going in where you see this parking lot. It is not a lot of space right? They have ruined the indigo hotel you see sitting there. The construction workers that are working on this are the dirty CIA that came in here they are attacking me and being nasty. They have been pulling people from jail and criminals from other cities into San Antonio to help in the attack on me. These construction workers should pay more attention to the spoty job they are doing. There is debris flying all over the city it looks like snow but it is actually pieces of the insulation. This is getting all over the city and on a windy day you need protective glasses. Why is it necessary for them to create such a mess and do so much damage to the city? Once again this is Mediterranean monies paying for this highly unnecessary sky rise thanks to the collusion of our intelligence agencies and foreign countries. 

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