It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, February 7, 2020

Jerry G

A minion was pulled in 6 weeks ago. He is a 78 year old man. He got an apartment here in San Antonio from SAHA. He has a case worker that inspects his apartment on a regular basis. That SAHA case worker is the one who gave his information to dirty SAPD and Park Police Officers so he could be pulled in this mess. He was instructed to give me information to start with and then he returned to the Library to stalk and harass me everyday. Yesterday when I asked for a dollar because I had not eaten he became nasty with me and then he asked me to hang out with him for a couple of hours. I go with the minions to collect information and allow them to commit cries as favors to dirty officers. I don't always go but he seemed harmless. I was wrong. Jerry took me on a bus to his storage unit and apartment claiming to show me his book and DVD collection the vast size is disturbing. Jerry was a taxi driver just five years ago and claims to be retired but didn't have a retirement fund.
Jerry said that he wanted me to live there he wanted me to have sex for money. Of course I refused this has been done to me a hundred times and I will never give in. He did not give me food and refused to give me money until I agreed to have sex with him.
His apartment resembles the apartment of the killer in the movie seven with more light.
I decided I needed to get away from him and asked for bus fare. He refused to give me an adequate amount to get on the bus after taking me miles away from the Library. I had to walk back.

I was hoping that I would never see Jerry again I was hoping he would wise up to stop his crimes. He showed up at the Library today when I was sitting outside. He opened his wallet and took out a bank statement to show me his money. The cash and what was in the bank once again soliciting me for sex. He put his finger one inch from my face and said I needed to get off the streets. He was trying to insinuate that I needed to become a prostitute to get off the streets. I announced that I am not a prostitute and asked him to get away from me. He came in the Library and sat at a computer next to me and he continues saying "Something is getting lost with her"! Oh it is not me that is lost this guy is sick there is more to this story.

The people in my phone giving direction have made it very clear they intend to cause my death and save themselves. All the crimes that have been committed this and last are an attempt to throw SAPD under the bus. They have plenty to convict McManus and his office, 300 other SAPD officers, More than three officers who made attempts on my life will go away for life, Several Sheriffs, Almost all of Park Police. Because they are still going and the crimes are still taking place it appears as though they intend to through the entire department under the bus to save themselves. I do not think this is reasonable. Why the entire department? I understand that many officers can testify against CIA, NSA, FBI, and other entities but it is not realistic to sacrifice the entire department. I am also confused as to why the foreign agents of intelligence have turned on fellow foreign agents that are police officers. I understand making sacrifices to save your self but this is an outrageous amount of people you plan to stab in the back.
 You have the Mayor and most of city council and all the crimes they committed. There is no way out for them, isn't that enough? Even if a member of city hall is not indicted any testimony from them is tainted and ruined by colluding with the Mayor, City Council, Sheryl Sculley, Nico LaHood and many other criminals.
Of course these people also plan to orchestrate my death by poison and exhaustion so I will not be able to testify against them. All the crimes committed against me including those committed by Epstein will be put in the lap of SAPD and the city officials.
Does SAPD understand the plans of our nations intelligence criminals? 

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