It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, February 15, 2020

IHOP ALL of them.

 I went to a lot of these in the city and it was very purposeful. This one above I went to just before New Years and I was basically there all night. I had no where else to go and it was freezing cold outside. My waiter was a very charismatic man and I liked him he was good company but unfortunately he is believed to be a foreign agent. Darn. Yet another entire chain attacking our country our democracy. A black small car showed up this evening and my enemies were manipulating my phone trying to get me to go outside. The man in the car was yet another attacker and they were hell bent on ending me and saving themselves from prison. I didn't fall for it. As I said it was freezing outside and I had no where to go so why would I go on a road march yet again? Joaquin and the ex husband must of come up with this plan they are the most dim witted of them all.

So as I said I went to many and it was my objective to visit all. The broadway location all the employees have been involved for years they knew I would be there all night long. Two Terrell Hills officers came in that night and they got the letter. It is my belief that most of those officers are actually cooperating with the investigation. I watched their behavior closely after Shirley Gonzalez pulled them to her home lying to them saying that I was walking past her home on purpose. She lied and said I was insane and I was a danger. None of this is true and I had no Idea where her home was, I did not care then and I care even less now. You are the only one who considers yourself to be so special that anyone would take the time to stalk and harass you. Shirley did you tell those officers why you thought I might be stalking you? Shirley did you tell the officers you were sleeping with my ex-husband? Did you tell the officers that I may actually be interested in his life and who he is sleeping with? You see it is Shirley that is insane. It is always a the accuser that is the guilty party. I don't care anything about that man I care even less who he is sleeping with. That woman is completely self absorbed and insane. She is manipulating the system to make herself seem more important that makes her a danger to herself and others.

There was another IHOP that allowed me to sit in their restaurant for two two hours refusing to serve me because I was announcing the poison not only to investigators but to the entire nation. Becareful what you are consuming America.

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