It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Gregory Marshall

After much reflection I see why he was so deluded that he would win the approval of Russia. Hilary pulled him in many years ago and she is the one who made him believe he would be in the good graces of President Putin and before 2017 I believed for a short time he achieved this. That is due to President Putin's investigators being so good at their job. It did confuse me that they were helpful and compassionate with me through my divorce. I thought that maybe they were acting now I see clearly that it was due to the fact they have empathy and apathy and they were not about to allow Russia to be tainted with the crimes of this man. Hind sight is always 20/20

He announces his father as a drunk isn't that nice of him how ridiculous he is. He killed his parents with the help of Middle east agents who work in the hosiptals of Michigan. His father died in the Ann Arbor Hospital after some spy doctors and nurses put him medically induced coma. It was a slow painful death it took months he dies October 12th 2003. Our first child together was only 10 days old his father's dying wish was to see the baby and hold him before he died. Greg refused to take a day off work while his father laid in the hospital dying because that was his pay back for stealing Top Secret files from TRW. He had both his parents killed in the name of money and there was no money in their estate and he was too stupid to look at the estate and see.
He sent his mother to a new cardiologist he recommended three years later. That cardiologist was a foreign agent cold blooded killer. They said her meds were no longer effective. They put her on new meds and that is what killed her. Conveniently Gregory and I had taken a trip to Texas when she died he wasn't there. You think that was apart of the plan? Of course it was.
Gregory Marshall never shed one tear during either of the funerals of his parents. He was focused on work, beating on his family and making sure he got as much of the estate as he could.
When his mother died his sister took over everything. She used all of her mother's credit cards and went on a shopping spree with the credit cards. Finally someone finally someone told her she could go to prison for that. Stupid and Insane run in their family.
Tony his brother is a crack head. He was with a woman who was getting pregnant by other men and Tony was raising the children as if they were his own. She left to another state with the children and Frank Castro Jr. broke a huge amount of laws threatening CPS in two different states making sure Tony Marshall got custody of the children that are not really his children.
Amanda Marshall or whatever her name is the mother of those children decided she was going to help Gregory Marshall to attack me. She was going to testify against me telling the courts lies that I was abusive. Now think how sick this woman is not only is she a drug addict hopping from bed to bed and getting pregnant but now she is helping the man that made sure she lost custody of her children. She is a liar and perhaps that is due to her mental illness.
Then Gregory Marshall thought he would get the Robertson family to not only attack me but he thought that they could testify in a court of law against me. All of them were too stupid to understand investigating agents were watching every crime they committed against me.
Kathy, Hubert, and Kari Robertson. Kari Robertson is a foreign agent who was purposely set up with Huey Robertson by Gregory Marshall. The woman is completely insane she is a loose cannon. The only reason that Hubert and Kari Robertson married was because foreign agent Tamer Morsi told them they had to. That way Kari could not testify against him for putting a unregistered stolen hand gun in my house. Endangering my children, the objective was to make sure it was found during a DFPS investigation that was going to be done when I was opening a daycare. Not only would I never have a daycare again but I would have gone to prison because that is a stolen weapon. I did not know it was there and it was put there by Jerry Alexander he was paid to do this Gregory Marshall sent him payment in the mail. He took it out of the house after I called his Parole officer and told her that he was bringing a weapon in my house without my knowledge and he is not suppose to be anywhere near a weapon.
The weapon was taken to Hubert Robertson's aunt's house Mary she locked it in her gun safe so he wouldn't be caught with the stolen hand gun. I told the sheriff's department all this and although they visited her home that was it they never completed the investigation because foreign agents and the Castro Brothers called them and told them not to. They dropped the entire case while the FBI watched them use their positions to do favors for dirty politicians.

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