It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, February 7, 2020

GI Forum Center Director Aaron Cavazos

Aaron Cavazos will not let me stay at the residential center because I made recordings of his crimes. He agreed to attack me when he was called by the Castro Brothers and he attacked me and he is still doing so it is a very long story

Aaro Cavasco GI Forum residential center director
This man has a severe NPD affliction and it affects his inability to do his job he treat people very badly to say the least he is a tyrant and I had many problems with him while I stayed there in 2016. There were so many things that happened I actually forgot about many of them. Today I talked to Seth an Veterans advocate about staying at the GI Forum. I was told by a fellow veteran that even if you left on bad terms you need to only wait one year to get help again. It’s been three years and I saw Seth twice today and I talked to him and he called Cavasco and the man had many excuses and he basically said I would not be helped again ever. He was putting it mildly and delivering excuses. He was talking about a recording this is one of those things I had forgot about. He and Mr. Freeman pulled me in a office with the intent to attack me they were instructed to do this by the Castro Brothers and Chief McManus. I recorded the conversation. 

computer logs at the GI Forum were doctored by the Director, Flores called the Director and asked me to take the information about the Black Ford Explorer that was formerly a SAPD cruiser out of the computers. Wolf gave me this and said this isn't what we saw and it isn't what I put in computer but it's all I can give you.


GI Forum

Police officers were called to the scene at the GI Forum bright and early this morning .  They went with another show in other words they were putting on the dog a man called nine-one-one and claimed that he had been knifed he was actually the one who pulled out the knife on a couple .  The injuries that he sustained were not consistent with knife injuries .  No police officer could find any knife anywhere . The man who called and lied to dispatch  was talk to and his word was apparently good because when he pointed a black man that was in the veterans line for the GI Forum  that man was taken into custody  although he had never done anything wrong .  The man who is taken into custody his wife became very upset trying to tell police officers the story of what happened before they got to the GI Forum and the fact that the man that they were talking to and treating as a victim was actually a liar  and he was the one who had the knife .  Police officers refused to listen to her  and I watched as they searched the man for a knife and they were Half Steppin  they patted his pockets gently  is that how you do a pat-down to look for Lethal Weapon ?  The other guy was standing there and coughs and he was actually the victim that's how stupid sapd is  actually there was no victims I'm pretty sure this was another made-up crime .  They stopped traffic it was a waste resources there was five police officers their fire engine number for showed up before you show up to a scene are you unable to see who is already there why do you need 10 police cruisers to show up . A crime scene unit showed up there was no crime scene as I said before his injuries were not consistent with that of the night . An ambulance showed up  and you're number four .  Channel 12 got the whole thing that should be pretty embarrassing the way that you people are wasting City resources and putting on a show like you're actors and actresses from Hollywood and you got Channel 12 right there watching you act like idiots  if I were the mayor I would be angry and highly embarrassed oh by the way Mister bear I think it's time to put your foot down . If you're not running this city then why are we calling you mer Mayor.? Your city is being run by dirty officers and foreign agents and large group of of criminal CIA. 

this was at the round up and it was another fake incident nothing really happened they were acting stupid and bunch of people were having out burst around me. 

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