It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Blog is corrupted the posts are not seen

The blog is corrupted it is not seen on google when I post it is not in the search engine at all. The only people who can see the blog are the fools playing games with espionage and collusion with castro brothers. All the people I pull in with the letter can see it. You see when I hand the letter to someone and they type my name in google as the letter instructions them to do they are collected by investigating agents and most of them are guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice that is why it is so important I give it to certain people. All of you can see it but not the masses. Joaquin Castro tried to get the pass word today and he may have been successful but it is just another crime he is guilty of as he attempts to save himself from life time in prison. Ypur prison sentence was cemented a long time ago and you aren't going to weazle out of it.
I always knew this and those idiots at NSA and CIA thought they had me fooled. I thought you were intelligent members of our intelligence agencies aren't as smart as you think. You morons the joking is on you and your too stupid to see it.

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