It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Amazon killing place

There's a Mimi out there somewhere  a joke about two of the richest man in the world talking to each other  asking each other who was going to die at their place of business today .  Jeff Bezos response was I haven't decided yet . I can't remember the other name in the Mimi but obviously they are also guilty of murder just like Jeff Bezos .  I kept getting that Mimi over and over again they were trying to tell me trying to clue me in .  And took a while .  I was told that Jeff Bezos was guilty of some very serious crimes . I knew that he was working side-by-side with CIA everybody knows that  but I didn't think for a minute that he was guilty of murder .  In another post I listed off all the reasons they were trying to get me to work at the Amazon warehouse  and that was based on what they've done to me at other places of employment .  The biggest and probably the only reason they wanted me at that warehouse was to arrange my death .  It never occurred to me until I finally put the pieces together and understand what the agents were trying to tell me . Jeff Bezos is a sociopathic killer .  And most people who work side-by-side with the CIA are . That's how you become a part of their good graces like my ex-husband trying to impress them and prove himself to them  by killing his wife and all of his children .  I'm shocked that he's even still in the good graces of the CIA because he failed so miserably .  I also have pointed out to them numerous times that the whole reason  if they have  good members of the FBI  watching them  investigating them  and closing in on them is because of Gregory Marshall .  the FBI wouldn't have been clued in as to what the CIA was doing it all if Gregory Marshall hadn't been so clumsy moving around in the computer and stealing files from TRW 

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