It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, January 24, 2020

Starvation three days

SAPD sociopaths have gone above and beyond to make sure that I don't have food and I have gone three days now.
Don't any of you investigators who claim to be doing an investigation into the crimes of SAPD walk pass me and refuse to help me with money. Watching me starve to death and claiming to be saving our democracy. So you have to starve me to save democracy you have to make me suffer on the streets in need of medical care to save democracy? If it is brought out in a court of law later that you walked pass me knowing that I was starving and you did nothing to help me I will not be letting it go. I will announce your cold hearted tactics and the fact you watched crimes happening and did nothing about it violating your oath you took.
I have starved for years for this and I continuously beg to be done. I beg for money and I beg for food. All of you dirty FBI/Foreign agents are looking at a very long prison sentence the longer I am out here with no food and nothing to sustain life the longer you will stay in prison before you are kicked out of our country.
Go ahead Rudy Giuliani you keep me out here forcing me to starve, freeze, lay on a slab of cement while I am being threatened. Congress will not allow you to vote on anything today and soon you will have no say as you sit before them and are questioned about the crimes you witnessed and did nothing and you will be questioned about the crimes you committed thinking you were going to get away with it. 

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