It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, January 26, 2020


His baby died in the same way they tried to kill my child. He made all the decisions and decided they would not be with the baby when it passed. Greg was trying to keep me out of the hosptial when the demons at north baptist were killing my Anikin.
Prince is looking less like a victim ...
Why would you let your baby die alone? She had a miscarriage for the second child? She became suicidal because of psychological warfare games and emotional abuse. Don't make your reappearance from the grave trying to play a victim I don't want to hear it.

Another Canadian spy marring a super star in America.
Look at your future Anthony Robbins.

Where is Prince NOW? I promise you he is not dead.
Prince claims that he was abused as a child. His father was abusive and he would not have survived it if it were not for his mother. My children are forced to endure their abuse without their mother, and that is because of this Sociopath and all his kind. I look forward to the world learning of your fake death and the crimes you are committed causing my children to be abused brain washed, and poisoned. You suffer abuse as a child to become a grown man causing the suffrage of young defenseless children? It was enjoyable and fun so you cause other children to suffer in the same way you suffered? Your sick and you are a product of the devil you are not walking anywhere near a path of GOD. Stop trying to fool people into believing you found God.

You lied you were not abused.

What if this man had decided to be a monster like you? You would have died when you were one week old. My children would have been better off.

It was the influence of Prince being a baby killer that caused my ex husband to attempt to be just like his Idol. He wanted to impress Prince and be excepted by his spy friends. Divorce and getting the hell away from your family would have been the humane option but he opted to attempt to kill his entire family. Thank goodness we are all stronger than him and his sick idol filling his head with the ideas of poisoning and psychological warfare.
Prince is still pulling the strings of his puppet pal my ex husband and I plan on the entire World knowing what a sick non human Prince is. People will be burning Purple Rain everywhere. You planned on having this country over thrown and causing the deaths of millions. Your an animal. Enlightenment is coming and awareness.
It is important everybody bear in mind he never even said "I am Sorry" for killing his two babies and abusing his wife to the point she wanted to take her own life. He didn't say SORRY because he is not sorry he is a sociopath with no compassion, empathy, apathy, or respect for human life.
Our bible says this life and body is a gift to be cherished. My children were almost stripped of their rights to cherish this life because of the monster Prince. He is helping to keep them trapped in abuse and he takes away their right to have both parents as he attacks their mother and keeping her from being with her babies. Who gave you the right to take my children's child hood and make it a living hell. My son is short like you because his father was over dosing him with meds. Did you like your short stature? My son should be 4 inches taller than he is. His father's sickness stunted his growth and you are the reason he felt it was OK you are the reason he thought he would get away with it. You are a monster and I am going to make sure you are held accountable by man's law and God's law.
My children deserve to know the truth they deserve to know that because you and your pals they have no mother and she was not there to stand between them and the blows to their small bodies. You need to attack those that are weaker than you? Are you so insecure that over powering defenseless children makes you feel all empowered? Your very sick!
You found God? It was bible on this earth does it say to fake your own death and then attack an innocent mother keeping her from her babies? In what bible does it say that it is a Godly thing to befriend a killer/rapist helping him to torture his children? What bible says to consort in espionage and cause the deaths of millions? You found God? Your actions don't show a man who found God. I see the devil himself. My bible says that to be a fool is the same as death. You were fool enough to think you were getting away with all that you are currently doing. You really are dead no sign of a beating heart. The sign of love will be how you are know? I don't see any sign of love. What love? You attack an innocent mother causing her suffrage and you judge me because I started swearing in my pain and suffrage? Who are you to judge me? Do you drink from the cup I drink from? NO NEVER you never will either not even when you go to prison. May MY LORD smite you where you stand. 

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