It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


I had assumed that the psychopaths that work at FBI headquarters had been straightened out.
You see 18 months ago there were several agents at a Starbucks on Broadway they were stalking and harassing me terrorizing me. I stood there and watched as they received phone calls having their asses handed to them. It was glorious and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Recently I asked when I get to enjoy that show again and I was told very soon. That pretty much let me know that those dirty FBI agents were still active. The foreign agents that work at our FBI in other words. I was told many years ago that their were dirty agents and of course I understood the concept of leaving them in play so they would pull foreign agents out all over this country doing the work for the intelligence agencies that are not traders to our nation.
They made a big mistake with the drug addict killer they put on the streets to kill me. The one that has been chasing me down and stealing my things when I fall asleep he has no education and no sense he said he works for Texas Department of Corrections and that is the prison systems. What he meant was the Department of Justice they are the ones who have officers that go undercover to to do investigations. He was pulled out of prison and put on the streets to kill me so he was surrounded by Department of Corrections for years and he knows nothing else.
That has always been the game of the FBI and foreign agents within and out. To deliver fake stories and fake names. All these idiot bullies out on the streets think they will be able to commit all these crimes and never suffer any consequences because it is FBI, CIA, and NSA telling them to do it. San Antonio has proven to the nation that 70% of this city is criminals with no moral compass not enough of a strong character to say "That isn't right I can't do that!".
Don't expect any single one of them to be able to see that they are killing off the criminals that have been helping them one by one.
These morons think they are invincible and that they will get away with their crimes and they will cause my death.
They are the ones paying people to run me over as I walk. I have no idea how I got threw this without being hit and put in the hospital. There was a LOT of close callings and I am going to chalk it up as the grace of god.
Texas department of Justice in Austin is saturated with foreign agents and they are guilty of collusion, treason, official oppression and as I have said over and over again I am still out here on the streets starving to death, being denied medical, unable to bathe, attempts on my life daily. That is not a gas lighting story or Art of War confusion that is happening. The people I sent emails to at the department of Justice who refused to help me will in fact be indicted.
The Professor out here on the streets being a psycho with the gas lighting direction is going to prison. All the other photos I took today of dirty FBI agents they all go down with this.
I want to be done I am hungry, dirty, I am in pain and need medical attention, SEND DECH I HAVE DONE ENOUGH I HAVE SACRIFICED MY LIFE AND RAISING MY CHILDREN SO YOU CAN CLEAN UP OUR COUNTRY.

Austin is the foreign agent capitol of the United States they all are working in our Government and 
Senators I am still on the streets in danger and starving to death the nation will know the monsters you are knowing I am out here refusing to help me. I started contacting you people in 2016 and I never stopped trying to get you to do your jobs.

Foot note: I was told that the NSA was dirty years ago it was hard for me to hear and repeat because they had done an investigation for me and it was one of the only times I saw people brought to justice. The investigation stopped when their criminal co-workers pulled them into the dark side and threatened them.
They will be brought to justice and some day we will be able to trust the NSA again it is going to take a long time

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