It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, January 10, 2020

Las Palapas another all nighter for me

Another all-nighter for me in a restaurant open 24 hours.
Three police officers have joined me at the restaurant they are the airport police officers which reminds me of a story. I actually have a lot of stories involving the airport police.
Early in 2019 Gregory Marshall decided to give me another gaslighting story. The story that I received it in my phone was that my father had flown into San Antonio because he was upset to find out what was really happening to me. The story was that he came to San Antonio to beat the hell out of Gregory Marshall. This wouldn't be completely out of character for my father. So after being told the story a couple of times I started to

This would not be completely out of character for my father so I believed it for a few hours. I had gas lighted so many times before by Gregory Marshall and his foreign agent friends this time I decided to double check the validity of the story I was going to the airport.
I was told airport police had stopped him when getting off the plane and used force to detain him. Of course that angered me and I was collecting names and badge numbers. I calmed myself and reminded myself I needed to verify the information. I went to North star transit center to get the airport bus. They stopped the bus bus. So I walked.
I arrived at the airport and asked an officer to verify the story. He got his supervisor and we tried to sort it out. It was a complete lie. I explained to officers that it came from my ex husband who is insane and I have no business trusting him. I was happy that for this particular story I was able to stomp it out before announcing it on social media. There is record of my conversations with officers.
On that day there was a Fort Sam Drill Sergeant collecting recruits from the airport coincidentally they parked their butts next to me and over heard my conversation. That was NOT a coincidence. A man had approached them and been over zealous about offering them a place to stay at his ranch and gave them his phone number. This was designed to upset me because I am on the streets and a veteran. This was put together by dirty CIA so often people are excited to do favors for CIA without even questioning what they are doing. People doing these favors don't seem to think about ethics or laws. Amazing how people stop thinking when a CIA agent tells them they need their help.

So as you can see he does think these things through well.
So when he decided to tell me Russell Brand has been turning over on his fellow spies he didn't even think how this information would effect Russell and he also didn't consider that Russell might be angry enough to make he got the boot in the butt he so richly deserves. See what I mean about thinking it through and considering the consequences? He just doesn't think at all.

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