It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

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Dr. Thompson delivered my baby because the foreign agent monster doctor that broke my fluid was unavailable isn't that convent. There were 17 people in my labor and delivery room because no one has ever seen a breech birth delivered vaginally. One nurse was grabbing my arm and she never took the time to tell me she was trying to put a IV in. She then told a male nurse she could not get the IV in because I would let her. You tell people what you are doing you DO NOT grab someone's arm forcefully assaulting them. I told the male nurse to put the IV in and asked kindly to make sure the assaulter not provide any further care. They couldn't get any monitors on me or the baby so I was informing the Doctors when the contractions were coming. The doctor who was suppose to take the place of Christina or whatever her name was not even at the hospital I had called him more than two hours before I got there and HE WAS NOT THERE!! Yes San Antonio has a serious problem with foreign agent monsters all over this city. Dr. Thompson was screaming in Greg's face 10 more minutes and your wife and unborn child would have been dead. What the doctor did not understand is that is exactly what Greg wanted.  They rushed my baby to NICU THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH HIM. You don’t have a standard for a breech vaginal birth it doesn’t happen stick your lies. Stupid monsters of Baptist Hospital kill babies that was the plan they put him there and started pumping his body full of drugs and he was experiencing renal failure that was the plan people. They told me that I had an infection and I would have to stay in the hospital for three days. I DID NOT HAVE AN INFECTION THEY LIED THEY WERE GOING TO GIVE ME A LETHAL INJECTION. While my baby was in NICU the doctor decided that he needed some excuses why a healthy baby died. He lied and said Anikin was shaking like he was a drug baby. LIAR he was shaking because they did not wrap him they were keeping him cold on purpose so his body couldn't fight the drugs they were filling him with. The doctor was talking to Greg and never talked to me. Greg came to me and told me the doctor was accusing me of being a drug addict. That was the advice the foreign agent doctor got from Greg. Doctor slander and deformation are serious things and I WILL nail you and the hospital to the wall. These two murderous sociopaths didn't have enough a brain to understand that I had blood work ups in Denton and Dallas NO DRUGS. I had no history and I was old then. They were not going to spin this lie. The nasty nurse that was caring of my baby was telling me that I couldn't breast feed. She knew that if I breast feed he would gain strength and fight for life. She said that she gave him formula. SHE LIED. Who gave these monsters permission to give my breast fed baby formula you don't do that ever. He had a nasal canal on. I took it off he did not need it. That nurse was trying to Over Dose my baby with oxygen. She said did you take it off. No my baby must of pushed it off.  I took it off he didn't need it at all not even when they took him in their Had I not taken action that O2 would have killed him, and they kept trying? One nurse from England was telling me that my baby was crying and would not stop when I was not there. He was hungry and the nurse was lying to people saying she fed him she was attempting to starve him to death and over course the renal failure when they pumping his body full of drugs he didn't need. The dirty nurse told Greg he had to keep me away from the Hospital because she was trying to keep me from breast feeding him. They knew that he would get stronger with breast milk and he would not die like they planned. They set up a appointment with a renal specialist. I took Anikin in there once and the specialist said that he was perfectly healthy baby. Yes exactly there was no need for a specialist as soon as I got my baby away from the Baptist Hospital with the murderous nurses and doctors that kept trying new ways to kill him. YOU WANT TO ARGUE? THE FBI WATCHED ALL OF IT HAPPEN GO AHEAD ARGUE AND SINK YOUR SHIP MONSTERS..

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