It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, July 8, 2018

FBI Sociopaths

This one is more special than all the rest this one thinks he is some sort of an invincible GOD I news for him before he goes to prison where he belongs I will be knocking that GOD complex right out of him. He went way too far. Let me remind everyone that in January I went to see the unfit living conditions my children were forced to live in I filed police reports and I went and talked to a detective and my babies were suppose to get help with the hell they were forced to live in and because of sociopathic agents like this one my children never got the help they so desperately needed. I don't want to hear your stupid excuses you were doing an investigation that is a damn lie and you do not allow children to endure abuse because you claim to be doing an investigation and the only thing you were doing was breaking laws to help the Castro Brothers cover their crimes.
You went through my entire tumblr account go through it again stupid and pay close attention to your license plates because everyone else is including everyone in the white house you still feeling full of yourself now? Well don't worry because you will be brought into a court of law in front a judge and jury I and my children will be asking the courts to put you away for a very long time. Who do you think the courts are going to lean in the favor of a mother and her children that were torctured because you are psychologically unstable. Or will they lean in favor of the dick-less wonder who thinks he can do whatever he wants and get away with it?
Keep running your mouth tell the director that helping the Castro Brothers and keeping a mother fighting for her life and the lives of her children on the streets where you put her is perfectly within your job description. Tell the director it is alright to keep three small children in an highly abusive environment because the Castro Brothers careers are more important than the lives and well being of three small children and you record your ugly mouth running with all that garbage and record the directors response because I plan on playing it for the entire nation. You didn't plan on ever working again did you? Good because I am going to help you make that a reality.

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