It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

FBI AGAIN i keep trying to get them to do their job

  1. FBI third visit
    On April 21st 2017 I went to the FBI for the third time. I talked to Agent Jamie she knew my entire story before I told it to her. During my previous visit I was given a list of things they needed from me to start the investigation and I stuck to that list to a T and I collected everything and put it in the blog that has been destroyed by Julian Castro. I then gave Agent Jamie the blog and pass word, at that point Agent Jamie and I were the only ones with the pass word. While I was locked in my home the blog was locked up and I couldn’t touch it. When I was finally able to access the blog many things were missing. All the videos…cars following me…..a video of a police officer acting badly and not filing my police report properly and videos of my neighbors trespassing and harassing me(friends of the Castro Brothers). 
    Agent Jamie said she was going to help me and she made me feel as though the investigation had already begun and when Officer Dech told me that a huge investigation had been conducted into the crimes Officer Flores and the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign had committed and many had lost their jobs; I assumed that it was the FBI that had conducted that investigation but now I have no idea who conducted that investigation. I know the investigation really was conducted and people were interviewed because when I am looking around for the people who assisted in these crimes they are no longer working in their prospective positions and officers were disciplined as well. 
    While locked in my home I was getting upset about being used as bait and the torture of no food, no electricity(it was a 100 degrees outside), and it was very stressful having a man breaking my windows to get in. I always knew when Officer Flores was coming not only did Officer Dech tell me but I could hear the dogs on the east side of the home barking. When SWAT was coming and getting into position for the long evening I could hear the dogs at the south end of the home barking and of course in this scary position I was paying close attention. Anyway during this and much more I became upset and was telling everyone I was going back to the FBI. SGT. Gilliman was listening through my phone and he became very angry I received punishment and he and the Castro Brothers came up with a plan to fill my head with lies and brainwash me(this was a specialty of my ex-husband during the marriage), then I would look crazy when telling my story to FBI, DOJ, attorneys’, and many others. The plan of their’s worked smashingly. On July 21st I walked 7 miles to the DOJ to tell my story mind you I once again had gone 9 days without food and it 96 degrees outside I was very determined. The attorney I talked to had been coached and told lies about me. She actually that I was dangerous she was talking to me through bullet proof glass. She kept explaining why during out conversation and I didn’t even ask and I didn’t want to hear her guilty explanation I certainly didn’t want to hear it 4 times I was loosing hope I was going to be able to get this woman to listen to me. See here’s one of my lessons in this huge amount of adversity; I had been to the DOJ twice prior to this and when talking to attorneys one sat next to me in waiting room and the other sat across from me in waiting room and I talked to the other attorneys a good long time and learned a lot. So on July 21st I knew this attorneys’ behavior was off and unusual but I didn’t care I just desperately wanted help. She said some stupid things like going to a homeless shelter why the heck should I go to a homeless shelter my home was being lost to me because of the Castro Brothers and SAPD. She said she was calling the FBI and getting me a water. She was acting so badly I expected more bad behavior and when she stepped away I left I was about to let these people take me to behavioral health again, at this point it was clear they intended on convincing the city I was insane.
  2. Castro Brothers assisted with torture and demise every step of the way
    Your asking yourself how this has anything to do with the Castro Brothers I didn’t know it at the time but these two men were communicating with the Chief’s office the entire time. Congressman Castro has been telling people the lie for years that I have a mental diagnosis and take a large amount of meds. Of course my medical records will prove in a second this is a lie. So you see it was the idea of the Castro Brothers to send me to behavioral health and although I don’t have the proof of this; it is out there for the taking……..or has someone of authority already gathered it????????

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