It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

walk to waco and the bird caller that followed stalked and harassed

  1. Stole everything I had
    45 minutes ago members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign followed me and when I sat down at a picinic table I fell asleep because I have been awake for three days. They took my bag from me and that is the remainder of my possession drivers license ssn card glass to do this personnel hygiene change of clothes and the most important was the journals that documented every step I have made since this began. It had a list of license plate numbers and names of everyone involved. It docu. days and times. 
    I can’t even go to a food pantry without a drivers license so I am very literally done I throw in the towel they keep doing these things to me and getting away with it I can’t get ahead of them and I can’t get help or justice.
  2. Walking to Waco followed and local law was contacted.
    I walked hard all night and Minions started coming out of the wood work. Bird Caller showed up. At least that who I think that was he comforted me at a 7-11 he asked where a motel was and he had just pasted it. he had a gote and mustache a bald head tattoos all over his arms almost completely covered. He had a black cowboy hat on his dash and he was driving a white pick up with an extended cab. I saw him all the way to Waco and the evening that I was in Waco he showed up at the gas station that I was trying to hide in he thought he was clever terrorizing me. Do you think that officer was getting paid to follow me all the way to Waco in his POV?
    He was accompanied by another pick up truck that was a cross between peach and tan very girly. He was a tall white guy with curly hair and he smiled way too much his was a sandy brown. He accompany Officer Bird Caller the entire time. When I walked away from that gas station I heard the same bird calling that I heard outside my house. 
    When i reached Bugsbys Truck stop thing there was a local officer waiting for me 

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