It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

mcmanus asking neighbors to lie and hide what happened at my house

  1. The day after they finally pulled Flores for good.
    They began playing with my heads there were two people in my phone pretending to be Officer Dech giving me false information. I was told that legal action would be taken against Officer Flores and I don’t think any such thing happened. Officers were returning to my home and new Officers were coming my guardian officers showed up in the back yard and this didn’t make any sense. I was terrified I knew full well SGT Gilliman planned on through me under the bus and making it all go away. What better way to make it all go away then to make me dead, so immediately my mind to the darkest place. Dech corrected me and told me these officers were ordered to take me by force and that’s why their numbers increased. I said this to Waco FBI Agent Mike and I am saying it again what’s wrong with this: knock knock Ms. Neering can you come with us downtown the Chief wants to talk? So what’s wrong with that? 
    It was confusing and devastating that the two SWAT officers that just spent six weeks are in the yard again after me. I was confused why these men would violate their oath and follow unlawful orders. As a solider we were trained not to follow unlawful orders so why isn’t it the same for Officers? I began writing messages on my windows directed at my protectors turned predators. I was using a few good men morals and comparing it to our situation, comparing Chief McManus to Colonel Jessup. Then I told these Officers that Chief McManus doesn’t own them or their life they are their own men and choose right from wrong. I got threw to them and they left. A couple of hours later their Officers showing up in a whole new location(across the street by the church), I was lied to and told they were FBI field agents. One of them was in my phone telling me to go outside and he told me that I would hear bird calls. I didn’t want to go outside I knew if these Officers took me by force I would never see the light of day again. I went out and heard the bird calling by the church and I was told to go to the back of the house and go with the officer. This is my lord at work, Officer Bird Caller thought those SWAT Officers were in the back but only Dech and I knew they left. I walked a block around my house and finally Dech told me there was a false profit in my phone acting like him. I went back in the house and locked myself in again. Something happened with those Officer across the street phone calls were made a
  2. My neighbors at 730 W Magnolia
    Two young ladies lived in the home next to mine. Nice girls I thought. They witnessed a lot I was watching and listen close of course my life depended on it. They saw the SWAT officers in the back because of their small dog, very smart dog she was barking at them a few times and when the girls went in the yard to get her they saw the SWAT officers. Then it didn’t take long before they spotted Officer Flores. Did I say how smart their dog was? She used to growl, bark, and show her teeth to Officer Flores when he was standing my yard next to her yard. He attempted to talk to her befriend her but she wouldn’t have anything to do with it and kept growling and showing her teeth. Very smart puppy. She never growled at the Officers in the back just braked playfully. I was laughing hard about it once and they told me to chill HEE HEE.
    Officer Flores was using the neighbors motion light to see in my yard he knew exactly where to walk and wave his hand to turn their light on. That’s another reason the girls knew he was there and more than once they went in their back yard and saw him prying on my windows. 
    The girls were taken to headquarters and talked to by Gilliman and god knows who else and they were convinced to lie about seeing the Officers. They were fed a made up story about animals activating the motion light and I watched and several different animals walked by that light and they never activated it. While at headquarters they were asked if they would testify against me saying I was insane. The girls said NO; they said yes to telling a perjurerous lye about seeing the officers but they won’t testify against me about my mental capacity; I guess they have half a moral compass. 

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