It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

tumblr austin er castros called and told them to put me in behavioral health

  1. Austin ER
    On the 25th I was experiencing sever signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and rapidly swaying towards stroke and on this day I wasn’t feeling much better. I decided to ask for EMS and go to be seen by doctors. 
    It took me a few to figure out who called the Austin ER it’s a toss between SGT. Gilliman and Congressman Castro and once again the proof is out there to be had. 
    While I was at the hospital I wanted them to call FBI Agent Jamie you see I was still hanging onto the hope the FBI was doing a investigation and they were watching. The staff wouldn’t. But what they did do is receive a call from one of my enemies telling the medical staff tending to my care that I was insane. They instructed them to listen to any of my stories because it’s all fantasy well of course they are gonna say that so they can hide all the crimes. 
    The staff violated laws and hippa they took what they were told on the phone as truth and they began treating me brass and the PA became physical pushing me out of the bed demanding a drug test. The physiologist told they me they were looking for a UTI I see more liars in the mental health industry if only they could see how stupid they look. 
    They had me talk to a doctor and then sent me to behavioral health. I was so livid and wasn’t able to calm until I reminded myself that everything happens for a reason and I became equally upset when Officer Martinez treated me badly and put slanderous lies in my report and in the end that police report played to my benefit. He proved that the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign was the ones telling slanderous lies about me. Proof thanks Martinez. So this will soon show me God’s true intent for this adversity. 
    They were trying to say I was mental because I had lesions and blisters on my feet because I had walked so many miles. I guess Washington’s soldiers were insane, today’s soldiers that have to break in new boots they are insane too? How about the model wanna be that just had to have those stilettos and suffered blisters and lesions.   All those people are insane too? If only this PA and these nurses knew how stupid they sound. Oh and instead of listening to my story that I starved because I was locked in my home they twisted and said I starved myself, there will be repercussions but I am going to let God and Let go only for a minute.
    They took pictures of the wounds on my feet but they did not clean and dress the wounds eventually i had to do that myself. Don’t to this hospital.
    The two officers they sent in were my saviors because the medical staff didn’t know how to act right. I explained my story properly and had to say twice I was NOT starving myself i went out and tried to get food but walking meant I was risking being shot. Then they asked me some questions and won’t you know it I just met Officers that do not violate their oath. Awesome. I am going to look at my records and ask those Officers if they can come to San Antonio and teach Kasber and Martinez how to do their job. Would that be mighty white of me. 
    So I wasn’t released until after the FBI closed and once again not fed any food if women are so worried about my well-being and so worried that I hadn’t eaten then why while in their care did they not give me any food. Well I think it is obvious that weren’t concerned they just wanted to do what ever the person on the phone told them to do. 
    My discharge Nurse was a good guy and helpful thank god there was one. Leave the hospital get on a couple buses and then have an adventure downtown some man on a bike gave me a hard time and followed me he was insistent like he had been instructed to be so. I sat at a Denny’s for some hours and then I walked to the bus stop I needed and sat down  and at 0400 in comes Minion Rell Rice or as I call him Mr. Rice. Today is Friday and if I don’t get to the FBI today I have to wait until Monday remember I said that.
  2. July 27th arrive in Austin 4am
    I got off the bus at a grocery store and I had no idea where I was or which way to go I hadn’t been in Austin in years. A taxi pulled up and talked to me offered me a ride. He was different and it was nice he was offering me a free ride I know I did that when I drove Taxi but I didn’t think anyone else did it. Well soon enough I would discover he is yet another minion with the objective to set me off course. I told him I had to go to the FBI but I was going to start at the VA Medical Center. He knew where it was. He took me on a scenic route showing me Austin. He kept saying over and over again that he gives free rides. He started telling me stories of when he did. He kept saying over and over then he started pointing at various people he may do it for time to time. My rule always has been if someone truly is what they say or do what they say; saying it once and moving on is sufficient and this man was way out of his way to convince me he does this and I never once questioned the vitality of his claim. He was trying to convince me his lie was a truth it was obvious. So this man took me down town no where near the VA. He was trying to leave me at a shelter and that place was scary you could see their drugs, weapons, and boos and they were coming in the street jumping in front of cars. Those people would have chewed me up and spit me out in a matter of minutes. I insisted that he take me closer to the VA I wasn’t going anywhere near this place. He had a fare near the VA and kept lying saying it was too far I was looking at his yellow cab computer and he knew i use to drive one I know how to read that thing. WOW He dropped me 2 and half miles from the VA. After I walked there I learned the hard way that Austin doesn’t have a Hospital they only have this large clinic. 
    I was wondering why the Castros would send someone to help me and at the end of it I saw that, that man wasn’t trying to help me he was putting me in a highly unsafe environment, The San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign were hoping I would be distracted and not make it to my destination. They must be pinning for my demise because that would have been a very dangerous place for me.
  3. July 25th out of my house.
    I was able to get a small portion of my items into a storage unit and it was very hot and I walked several miles. After I purchased the storage unit I was walking down San Pedro towards my house hoping my things were still in the yard. I shouldn’t have waited so long but I kept hanging on hoping that Dech would show up and help me. Of course it was Gilliman and the Castro Brothers that did this and it was their job to help me but they aren’t human and that is very clear. I was still holding on to the hope that the FBI was watching. 
    When walking back there was a young man in a small white car that kept circling me all the way down San Pedro he would drive two blocks ahead of me and then wait until I walked pass and then he would drive pass me repeating the process three miles down san pedro. When I arrived at my and found that my things had been ran shacked I knew why that young man was circling me. Santiago was standing in his yard drinking his beer laughing I went to neighbor who had stole my things and got some of the things back. I got that into the storage unit, which I since lost because I have had no steady incom
    1. income do to the interference the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and the Castro Brothers.   
      I then decided that I was determined to get help with situation and if my FBI wouldn’t help me I was going to other FBI offices and at the very least they could call the director of the FBI and inform the director the FBI refused to help me and decided to help the Castro Brothers and Chief McManus.
      I ended up at the HEB on San Pedro trying to figure out how to purchase a mega bus ticket and get to Austin. A man named Chuck approached me and offered to help me find a ticket to Austin. At that moment I didn’t know it but Chuck was being instructed by San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and the Castro Brothers to approach me and the objective was to distract me from getting to the FBI. Chuck would be one of many paid hands to solicit me for sex and distract me from talking to FBI and attorneys. I stayed the night there with Chuck the enemy and he suggested that he could put me in a rig going to Austin where he worked however I would have to wait a week. I wasn’t waiting a week so the following morning when mysteriously the fire alarm was set off I left and headed downtown to get a ticket to Austin. 
      I put all my electronics in my storage unit so I couldn’t be traced anymore and I only took what I absolutely needed.
      I wasn’t able to get on the bus until 3am so I hung out downtown. I had a security officer approach me and have a conversation I could swear this young man was testing me to see what my state mind was, weather or not I was depressed or otherwise. 
      I sat in the bus depot for several hours waiting and several different men passed hitting the window where I was sitting it was annoying but now that I look back at it those were more friends of the Castros
    2. The eviction from the home
      July 24th my landlord showed up at 1400 to evict me and as I said before I never talked to him because Gilliman said he had talked to him. 
      When the landlord showed up he talked to the neighbor Santiago; this is the man who was doing favors for the castro’s trying to get me to move out of the house. He broke into the home while I was at work and damaged a lot. He put a whole under the sink so the rodents living under the home could get in the home. I tried to file police reports but Officer Flores made sure that didn’t happen he kept making calls to stop it. I called the non-emergency line on Santiago and I waited hours for Officers. When I called back the dispatcher told me my previous call had just simply disappeared. So any way Santiago lied to the landlord and told him that SAPD had been there a couple of times only because I was a crazy lady. This man knew exactly what was going on he was taken down town and questioned about his involvement.  
      The eviction was the worst experience ever. They were confused that I had cleaned and made repairs I actually had a lot of time I my hands and I was told I would be moving on June 1st and it was now July 24th. 
      I had a rummage sale in that moment weather I wanted to or not. 
      The following day i had the things in my yard I was keeping and I went to get a storage unit. While I was away Santiago came over and told people I was giving it away and I experienced more theft thanks to all these monsters. All the presents I had purchased and wrapped for my children were ripped apart and there were more insults as well. 

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