It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

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Castro Brothers Staff
The Castro Brothers staff and crimes they have committed helping the castro brothers  
This case is now coming to a close and the mountains of evidence are being gathered, collected and organized for a court of law. As this happens the staff of Congressman Castro and Secretary Castro will be charged with accessory to these crimes. The women who called me several times from Congressman Castro’s office and lied to me should have known better but apparently, they do whatever the congressman tells them to do even when he is telling them to break the law. Will you all be having a happy holiday with your families? I will not be seeing my family because of the Castro Brothers and the crimes they have committed against me because as long as they continue to attack me and commit crimes to attack me the FBI and CIA will continue to leave me out here baiting them acting as a minnow on a hook. Even though I will not be able to see my family and have a safe place to hide from these men it will bring me great solace to see their staff brought to justice and charged with the crimes they have committed.  

  1. Minnow on a hook
    I don’t want to do this anymore it is effecting my heath and well being. I have been denied basis nessentials for life I have told you before everyone has a breaking point and I reached mine I want to be pulled to safety I can not go anywhere in this city without hideous people acting badly following me around. and SAPD officers asking their amoral criminal friends to violate me and harass me law enforcement is about upholding the law and when your in San Antonio it is necessary to get use to Law Enforcement breaking laws stalking and harassing. They have pulled a Sheriff in on the mix. Isn’t that nice how he can join in rain deer games. Hello? What is transit police for? Oh wait they have a moral compass don’t they. Agent McSneaky I have had enough I need to be pulled now I know I can count on Mayor Joan to help me and if that means we tell FBI director that is what will happen, you can’t leave me out here suffering because you don’t think you have enough to put the Castro’s in orange I think it is enough and I don’t want to be a Minnow on a hook anymore it i effecting my health and well being and it will life long effects on my psyche. I am done send Bumblebee.  
  2. Library still unruly
    Library security is still unruly as if months of following me around and standing outside my taxi for 45 minutes wasn’t enough, then they were instructed by congressman castro and SAPD officers to knock on bathroom doors over and over again while I was there. Apparently these security officers have not grown up or been corrected because they are today following and watching me like a hawk.  Alvarado officer who has obviously been instructed to watch as the Castro Brothers pray and hope i will do something wrong and they can turn around the harassment that have made all these officers guilty of. It’s too late Castro Brothers your careers are over. But you go ahead and keep sending officers of all varieties to harass me and it will come back ten fold.
  3. Kimberly
    Kimberly was constantly saying that all she had she did her self….It was a very untrue statement. She was handed everything she had on silver platter by the VA. She didn’t anything much at all it was given. 
    It really sends the message that veterans who break laws and abuse drugs are rewarded for this. When i was offered all these grants and an apartment with household it was all taken from me when the Castro brothers made a call or two and these things were withdrawn from me.

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