It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

SGT Gilliman needs swift kick in head any takers ???

  1. Still in house during hottest month of year
    I was still locked in my house, July hottest month, I couldn’t call EMS if I needed them SAPD controls 911 and I wouldn’t get out of the hospital with the Castro Brothers walking around lying calling attorney’s and medical professionals telling them lies that I am insane and take meds. I couldn’t call officers if I needed help because SAPD would take me by force and I wouldn’t see justice for that crime or any of these other crimes.
    I still had water so I kept a bath tub full of water so I could keep my body temperature down to a reasonable level but with all my effort I still experienced sever edema and it was scary. I had no food and this would be the period that I went 12 days without food and I really thought I was going to die. I was still talking to Dech and occasionally people pretending to be Dech. I was terrified to leave the house because officers would swarm me and if they got their hands on me I surely would never see my babies again. I decided I wasn’t going to let the Castro Brothers and the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign win and take my life I stared calling around to friends looking for help. A couple of friends helped me and then I learned how to use food bank and food pantries at local Churches. See there something good to come out of even the worst situation. 
    So I got the food and learned not to take electronics with me because that is how they were tracking and tracing me. That became a hairy situation. 
    Now that I learned how to use the food panties I was going down the road to one and made the mistake of announcing this in-front of my phone. Mysteriously at the very last minute the church cancelled the food pantry. Very coincidental; do think the church would do that just because a SAPD officer requested or would they be more likely to do this for lets say a congressman. So at that point it became clear not only did all these men not care if I starved to death but they were working towards that end. 
  2. The electricity shut off on July 13th
    I had been hiding in my house for two weeks with Officers showing up and July 13th my power was shut off at 9am. My phone began dying and when it was completely dead Officer Dech would have no way of tracking me or communicating with me. He was told that I would be pulled to safety when they were unable to monitor me and maintain my safety, he was lied to. The whole time Dech kept telling me to have faith and I was able to keep going starving and extremely hot. 
    The phone died and I was not pulled to safety and I already received an eviction notice. On July 15th Officer Dech argued with those who were in charge that I needed to be pulled out already I had no food again, insult to injury. I braved the outside and walked to charge my phone. When I was making my way back to my home and I was circled by four different Officers they were aggresive looking for me they being lead to my location because Officer Bird Caller was in my phone tracking me. Here’s the rub that saved me; he was telling Officers I was on foot but actually I was in an Auto I had excepted a ride from a young man and for that reason I was able to get back to my house and lock myself in. It was terrifying and I am finding it hard to look at Officers as my friends after this ordeal I didn’t do anything wrong.
    Had SGT Gilliman sat me down talked to me explained the rules, a block of instruction directive and rules I would have been the best solider he ever had. If he would have been more human with me I would have been extremely cooperative. At that point if he had said things like no media and don’t tell anyone I would have said OK! It’s clear to me this man has no human qualities and is unable to treat people right. 
    The worst thing of all of this is I was told I would be reunited with my children and all that was taken from me would be returned to me and it was all lies told by the non-human. GILLIMAN did I spell your name wrong? Do I care? 

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